Preview: Rai #7 by Kindt & Crain

Posted on the 07 February 2015 by Comicscritic @comicscritic
Rai #7 Preview (Valiant)Rai #7Here’s a six page preview of Rai #7 by writer Matt Kindt and artist Clayton Crain, on sale February 11th, 2015 from Valiant Comics. RAI #7Written by MATT KINDT Art by CLAYTON CRAINCover A by CLAYTON CRAIN (DEC141729) Cover B by RAUL ALLEN (DEC141730) Variant Cover by RAFAEL ALBUQUERQUE (DEC141731)“Battle for New Japan” explodes with another pulse-pounding chapter by New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (THE VALIANT, Mind MGMT) and featuring fully painted artwork by superstar artist Clayton Crain (X-Force)!Romance threatens to destroy a necessary peace between Raddies and robots as Rai builds his army for the final assault on Father! Plus: a glimpse of Earth 4001 and the secret weapon hiding out on the planet’s surface that could be the key to taking back New Japan!$3.99 US | T+ | 32 pgs. | On sale FEBRUARY 11Rai #7 Cover A - CrainRai #7 Cover B - AllenRai #7 Cover - Albuquerque VariantRai #7 Preview 1Rai #7 Preview 2Rai #7 Preview 3Rai #7 Preview 4Rai #7 Preview 5Rai #7 Preview 6