Wytches: Bad Egg Halloween Special Preview (Image)

Here's a 5-page preview of Wytches: Bad Egg Halloween Special, a one-shot by writer Scott Snyder and artist JOCK, on sale October 31st, 2018 from Image Comics.
Artist / Cover: JOCK
Serving as both a stand-alone story in the WYTCHES world and a prequel to the highly anticipated WYTCHES, VOL. 2, "BAD EGG" tells the story of Seb and Jackson-two innocent teenagers reared on opposite sides of the eternal struggle between good and evil. Sebastian's mother is a member of "The Irons," the most ruthless Wytch hunters in history, while Jackson's family are "High Horn" Wytches. Can these two boys find friendship amidst this age-old blood feud, or are their fates already sealed?
Collecting the entire IMAGE+ magazine run and, for the first time, the 13-page, pulse-pounding conclusion plus extra materials, WYTCHES: BAD EGG reunites the Eisner-award winning duo of SCOTT SNYDER and JOCK in a horror-filled romp just in time for Halloween!
U.S. Cover Price: $7.99
Published: October 31, 2018
Diamond ID: AUG180100
Age Rating: M