Pretzels, Projects And Some Poignancy

By Athomewithcat

My husband has become quite the baker these days.  For the past few days he has been focusing on pretzels and this batch was a definite winner.  Not only has he gotten into baking breads but he is also making yogurt, butter, cheese, granola, cookies – all good stuff.  We have future plans for these goodies which has turned his hobby into a passion.  Watching him in the kitchen you realize he is a natural-born baker.

While “Mr. Baker” was busy in the kitchen, I spent a few hours going through my children’s baby boxes.  With the help of my youngest daughter (almost 18), we organized, uncluttered and did a lot of reminiscing.  Twenty-seven years of beautiful memories – that’s how long  I have been a mom.  Hard to believe.

I have boxes of photographs (remember those?) that need to be organized and debating whether I should put them in albums or boxes, for each of my children to have of their own.  That might be a January/February project.

The project for today will be getting things back into some order before next week.  Mr. Bakerman’s siblings will be in town to go through their mother’s estate.  I’m not sure what will be coming back here if any.  We are letting the other’s pick first and we will deal with the rest and cleaning up.  Praying everything goes smoothly while they are here.  That’s a sticky situation and one I plan on staying well out-of-the-way!

I am so thankful that my brother and I have a great relationship.  You soon find out how strong of a bond you have with your siblings when your parent dies and…how much they truly mean to you.  With both our parents now passed away, we have become even stronger.  I wish I could say the same for my husband.