Pretty Shiny Packaging, Episode 1: The Globe Trotter Spirits Decanter

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

After well over a year of planning ( more like 18 months for those that demand accuracy, and what with Election Day just a week away, one can never be TOO accurate! No hanging chads here), Booze Dancing TV is finally on the air! Now that our legal and FCC battles are behind us, we're all set to launch the pilot episode of our first Booze Dancing TV series, Pretty Shiny Packaging. The West Coast Office's pitch for this series, which was originally called Pretty Little Labels, went EXACTLY like this:

Limpd continues his quest to find the best marketing and packaging to camouflage the worst that the beer and spirits industry has to offer.

While the original idea was well received by The Creative Team at Booze Dancing TV, after extensive market research (i.e. phone polls, focus groups, late night drinking sessions where The Creative Team literally spitballed ideas off of each other. That last bit was pretty gross!), it was decided that the Pretty Little Labels title was a bit limiting since Limpd & Company would evaluate more than just the label of whatever product they decided to blather on about.

The pilot episode of Pretty Shining Packaging focuses its attention on The Globe Trotter Spirits Decanter from the good people at MoonRise Market, "a family business that's owned and run by a dynamic dad and daughter team in Chicago ". Here's the email that helped spark the launch of this series:

Hey Booze Dancing Crew,It's Anna, co-owner of MoonRise Market! Nice to meet you all🙂As a new company that specializes in fun, booze-related products, we wanted to get in touch and tell you that we dig what you do. And because you share so much awesome stuff with the world, we wanted to share something with you...Our newest product is the Globe Trotter, a gorgeous travel-inspired decanter and matching lowball glass gift set. But we won't bore you with our pitch - you can check it out for yourself here: tell you a bit about us, we're a small family company run by a dad & daughter team in Chicago. We've enjoyed adult beverages & jamming out to classic tunes together for quite a while, but this business is something new we've teamed up for, so we're working hard to make it a success.Anyway, we'd be thrilled if you'd give the Globe Trotter a test drive and maybe share it with your community if you think they'd like it. Just let me know where to send (it's on the house of course!) and I'll have it out to you right away.I look forward to hearing from you soon & getting your expert opinion!Cheers,

MoonRise Market

Now that you have the back story, let's get on with the show...

We hope you enjoyed the premiere episode of Pretty Shiny Packaging (our apologies for the lack of a red carpet and refreshments. We're on an extremely tight budget, i.e. we spent all of our extra dough on booze and snacks for ourselves). If you like what you saw, please subscribe to our YouTube channel, and if you have suggestions for future episodes, or ways that we can improve our programming, feel free to leave us a message in the comments section.

One final thought...

During post production, we realized that we forgot to mention the perfect occasion where one might consider giving The Globe Trotter Spirits Decanter as a gift. A Wedding Party! What spirits loving Bridesmaid or Groomsman would be disappointed to receive this decanter along with a bottle of their favorite spirit (because giving someone a decanter with nothing to fill it with just seems wrong)? Frankly, if one of them was disappointed, then we can't help thinking that you picked the wrong man or woman to be in your Wedding Party.


Many thanks to Anna of MoonRise Market for sending The Globe Trotter Spirits Decanter to us!

Categories: Booze Dancing TV

Tagged as: Booze Dancing TV, Comedy, Drinkwire, Globe Trotter Spirits Decanter, Humor, MoonRise Market, Review, Reviews, Spirit Decanter, Video, YouTube