Pretty Positives #2

By Aworldfullofprettiness

I aimed to get these posts out every Tuesday, and the 2nd week into it and I'm already a day late.. I do apologize.. I had the worlds heaviest headache last night after work that I neglected everything except the sofa all night, and the last thing I wanted to do was look at a computer screen.
Anyway! Onto this weeks positives... and I'm actually struggling to think of a great deal, but here are just a few that have stood out.
* At the weekend I had lunch with my friend. So not only did I do something that I enjoy (eating out!), but we got to catch up (which sometimes is hard now due to life's commitments), AND I got to sample a new restaurant/café that I'd never experienced before. So 3 positives all rolled into one there!
* You may laugh at this one but - I created a new chores rota for our house (something that's needed to be done for a long time). You see I live with my boyfriend, who, lets just say, isn't the best at house work. I make everything spotless, and he comes home and undoes it all, to put it mildly. He only ever cleans up if I ask/nag/leave a note, and fails to use his own initiative. Going back to the rota - we had one last year that worked for a few months, till it ran out, and we never did another one (simply because my boyfriend began to refuse to work off a rota, believing it was 'childish'.. however in my eyes it was him that was making it a childish situation because he didn't do the work in the first place!) anyway.. fast forward a few months and I went against his wishes and created another rota whilst he was at work over the weekend (so he had no choice!).. needless to say, the jobs are slowly beginning to get done again. Bless him and his little tick list.
* Mike (my boyfriend, I can never remember if I usually refer to him with his name or just 'boyfriend'!) bought me a stash of Yankee candles for Christmas, and I've been enjoying lighting a few in my bedroom, jumping in the shower and then coming back to a gorgeously scented bedroom. I then snuggle up in some nice fresh clean sheets (with my fresh PJs!), pop a lamp on and read a few chapters of my book. Such a simple 'set-up' but one that has recently been making me happy, and something I almost look forward to doing every night. I just love the lighting, the scent in the air and the relaxing vibes it tends to release. See, sometimes its just the simple things that make us happy!
I've actually had a pretty crappy week in terms of health (I don't normally get 'ill') but this past week I haven't felt quite right. Most of that seems to have passed now but my daily headaches are coming back along with a horrible fatigue in my head/eyes. As previously stated, this knocked me for 6 yesterday and all plans went out the window when I got home because I couldn't bare to do a single thing. Mid afternoon today whilst I was at work I felt it kicking in again, so I've dosed up on some ibuprofen in hope that it'll disappear and not ruin another night, and so far it seems to be dissolving. There's also a few errands that I've been procrastinating/worrying about so haven't got those done yet. However, I have managed to find some positives, and those are the things that keep us going :-)