Pretty Little Liars: Now You See Me, Now You Don't Recap

Posted on the 28 August 2013 by Kandee @kandeecanread

Summer finale already? Whew, that went by fast and you know the more seasons there are, the stupider these chicks get, but the show is so damn addicting. Although, its staring to get a bit like the books in my opinion. Spencer is getting more and more arrogant and less caring. Emily is getting weaker and frailer. Aria, more and more suspicious. except in this episode. And Hanna, Hanna is well, just Hanna. This episode was full of surprises and also, full of jaw dropping suspense. I didn't know Pretty Little Liars could actually be scary.And just let me say, A is just a creep. I don't know what those girls could have done to piss this "A", "Red Coat" or whoever the hell they are to have made them freaking stalk their lives and go all FBI agent on their ass. So, here we are, we're at World War A has begun. I hate to have used that term, but I did. And about Ravenswood, what is the significance is this to the story? What's happening with that?Here are a bit of the key points of tonight's finale, woo:- Ali is alive, so yeah. Just let that sink in a little bit.- New A has a new lair and they found it. If you thought that last A, Mona, was crazy and stalker-ish. This A has posters of Ali, a timeline of everyone's movement, POLICE TRACKING SYSTEMS. 
That is some illegal mess right there. But when you think about it, A's whole BEING IS ILLEGAL!- World War A has been declared, I find this to be the silliest little Hastag, Twitter thing ever, but it's true. SHIT JUST GOT REAL.- I don't understand what happened with Mona, first she was in Radley, then she got kidnapped by A, then I DON'T KNOW. Ravenswood had some significance and that's about all I know. - HANNA'S MOM IS OFF. CHARGES DROPPED. PRAISE THE LORD. But you know, A HAS SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT THIS. 
- A still not being any less creepy sending these creepy messages and the girls traveling all over around the fucking state to find out what's going on. And so many couple moments. So many, but I WANT TO SEE DRAMA, ACTION, EXPLANATIONS, ANYTHING!!! GOD.- Then Emily got kidnapped by A with ARIA, HANNA AND SPENCER NOT EVEN A FOOT AWAY FROM HER BECAUSE THEY WERE WATCHING A MAGIC SHOW. A MAGIC SHOW. GREAT JOB GIRLS. Great job. - Oh, Cece is Red Coat, by the way, not like I didn't know that. And she's dead, I think. YOU CAN NEVER TELL IF ANYONE IS DEAD OR ALIVE ON THIS SHOW. Aria kind of kicked her ass in this epic fight scene and I think those 2 self defense classes she took REEAALLLY helped. #YeaOkay- Ms. Grunswald helped save Ali from dying, so that hand sticking out of the ground and another hand helping her. Ms. Grunswald saved Ali and then she disappeared on her. #GOODJOBALI- Oh and Ezra is on the A Team, its serious now. Its not another Toby, its official. HE'S ON THE A TEAM. The Liar they visited is his and yeah, its him. I'm done, I CANNOT DO THIS. 

ABC FAMILY, you've got to be kidding me? I've dealt with whiny ass Hanna, bipolar Toby and heartbroken Spencer for FAR TOO LONG. I need information!!!!Help.