Prettifying Indra Nagar One Wall at a Time

Posted on the 25 March 2015 by Cheekymeeky

This is truly a Wordless Wednesday post as I don’t have the words to say how proud and happy I was when I saw the work Snubnose and her friends put in to paint a wall in a park in Indra Nagar. It took the entire group about two weekends to complete, and the end result is awesome, at least according to this proud mama .

The length of one of the walls of the park and Snubnose in one corner applying some finishing touches

The artist whose style they are emulating is Keith Haring. He is one of Snubnose’s favorite artists primarily because he is so accessible. All his motifs are easy to reproduce and some of these paintings have been done by 4-year olds.

Snubnose did the key man in the above photo

The skeleton below is one of my favorites. I love how the kids have used its ribs to form playground bars that children are sliding on.

This skeleton was done by some of the older kids

This scissor man is another favorite of mine

What I really like about this initiative is that while there were teachers to guide them, all the ideas and implementation were by the kids. They had to do a rough drawing of their idea on a piece of paper, get approval from the teacher, they then transferred their drawing to the walls and painted on it. Almost the entirety of the wall painting is done by the kids.

I loved this one too, although I am not too sure what it is

A Multi-faceted Tree

If you are ever down Indra Nagar side, do take a couple of moments to wander down 6th Main and the tiny park there. In addition, there is a bigger Children’s Park behind it with even more beautiful paintings by some of the older children done last year (this post has a couple of photos featuring these paintings).