Preternatural Insight Is Not Paranoia

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

No of us are one hundred percent all the time. We can mistake one thing for another, and so on.

There are times when we are unsure or just do not know. And even when we doubt, we can still be correct in what we may have slightly felt. We can even be wrong in things we strongly feel.

For the most part, aside from logic and reasoning from an ordinary standpoint, my clairvoyant abilities have always been very intuitive and on point. There have been people who have admitted to me or told on themselves unintentionally when I confronted them on matters. Either that or the truth would in time reveal itself to confirm things.

When I write I do not plan. Messages come to me to write themselves as ideas manifest and urge to be put forth for which I know not to question when the drive is strong.

I am a vessel where information transmits- a messenger sort to speak from a spiritual perspective- relaying what needs to be said and heard for whatever purpose relayed unto me as one who knows firsthand.

Extra Sensory Perception is a legitimate gift/faculty that some of us have and are born with.

It may be something that everyone cannot talk about with everybody due to misunderstandings and diversity in beliefs, yet it makes the instance no less of a real occurrence and the gift is nothing to be ashamed of or hidden.

Extra Sensory Perception can save one’s life.

One thing about us people who are in-tune is that we are keenly perceptive at picking up on the slightest things that others may not notice or spot as significant.

Oftentimes, or at times when we are on to things or on to someone with evil intentions, schemes, or motives- those who know they have been discovered or those who are naive to the areas of paranormal ability and how it naturally works within the nature of energy, vision, and vibration, will try to cover up their actions or justify their ignorance by calling one paranoid. It is the oldest trick in the book.

We may falsely get accused of saying or thinking that everyone is against us when that notion is totally absurd.

How could, and why would everyone be against us? Everyone does not know us or even care to be against us.

We know who and what to pinpoint and why and if we are not sure we are specific until we later get clarification.

There will always be people in life at times that we may possibly encounter either through feelings of jealousy, revenge, conflict, pettiness, ignorance, or animosity or whatever ignites incentive within them depending on the circumstance and their disposition who will come up against us in some form or fashion.

The devil exists and he uses people as well as principalities.

The only difference is that not everyone is always aware of what is going on in the situation, the depth of what may go on, or to what extent, the reason behind it, or the measures involved.

We are given these extra sensory abilities which are an extraordinary extended form of intuition, discernment, and second sight as a protection and awareness throughout life to heed, learn from, and grow on the path of our journey.

I would not have had the faith I have today without it due to the many encounters of account from early life experiences to the present.

It has been a constant occurrence- an irrevocable part of one’s make up given by God as an example of his power manifest unto the universe linked in connection to those who are endowed.

This does not mean everyone with the ability is up to good or is good-natured. It just means they have a supernatural attribute that testifies to the powers that exist and that are in effect in this physical world.

And whether a person is good-natured or negative-natured with the ability to see into the unseen does not foreshow their gifts of perception into events as paranoia.