Press Release: The External Advisory Group to The People’s Book Project

Posted on the 22 February 2012 by Andrewgavinmarshall @A_G_Marshall

Maja Romano

Strategic Adviser and Consulting Editor, The People’s Book Project

Ms. Romano is the Project Manager at the Centre for Research on Globalization, which runs the website, where she manages a team of consultants, journalists, and support staff in maintaining several websites; implementation and supervision of fundraising initiatives, conference planning, and collaborative media projects; the online editor for GRTV, a multi-media website focusing on news and current events, an Editor for Global Research Publishers, and maintains social media networks, bookkeeping and administration. Ms. Romano has experience doing translating, copy-editing, promotional design projects, grant writing, community-building initiatives, integration support for immigrants, and publishing.

Ms. Romano has a Master of Arts in Social and Cultural Anthropology, and conducted extensive research in Johannesburg, South Africa, focusing on race relations and the socio-economic and political impacts of affirmative action policies in South Africa. With extensive experience and interest in media, research, publishing and activism, Ms. Romano has and may continue to bring her unmatched insight and talents to support The People’s Book Project.

Her dual role as Strategic Adviser and Consulting Editor places her at the head of the External Advisory Group, with weekly consultations on strategy, development, progress, and objectives of the Project, as well as lending her skilled editorial talents to providing a much-needed eye for managing content.

Sibel Edmonds

Member, External Advisory Group, The People’s Book Project

Sibel Edmonds is the Founder and Publisher of and is the founder and president of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), a nonprofit organization dedicated to aiding national security whistleblowers. She has appeared on national radio and TV as a commentator on matters related to whistleblowers, national security, and excessive secrecy & classification, and has been featured on CBS 60 Minutes, CNN, MSNBC,  NPR, and in the New York Times, Washington Post, Vanity Fair, The American Conservative, and others.

PEN American Center awarded Ms. Edmonds the 2006 PEN/Newman’s Own First Amendment Award for her “commitment to preserving the free flow of information in the United States in a time of growing international isolation and increasing government secrecy”. She is also the recipient of the 2004 Sam Adams Foundation Award.

Ms. Edmonds worked as a language specialist for the FBI’s Washington Field Office. During her work with the bureau, she discovered and reported serious acts of security breaches, cover-ups, and intentional blocking of intelligence that had national security implications. After she reported these acts to FBI management, she was retaliated against and ultimately fired in March 2002. Since that time, court proceedings on her issues have been blocked by the assertion of “State Secrets Privilege”, and the Congress of the United States has been gagged and prevented from any discussion of her case through retroactive re-classification issued by the Department of Justice.

Ms. Edmonds began her career in 1993 as Project Director for the Rostropovich Foundation, a non-profit humanitarian organization providing medical and food aid to children of the former Soviet Union. She re-located to St. Petersburg, Russia and managed correspondence, shipments, inventory and security precautions in the largest children’s hospital in St. Petersburg. Later, she worked as the Executive Director & Co-Founder of Edmonds Industries, a Consulting and Holding Company, investing in international business and residential real estate development. Ms. Edmonds also worked as a volunteer for the Alexandria CASA program (Court Appointed Special Advocate) for abused children, and as an instructor for the Alexandria Office on Women’s Domestic Violence Program.

Ms. Edmonds has a MA in Public Policy and International Commerce from George Mason University, a BA in Criminal Justice and Psychology from George Washington University, and AA degree in Science from NVCC. She is certified as a Court Appointed Special Advocate and as an instructor for the Women’s Domestic Violence Program. She is fluent in Turkish, Farsi and Azerbaijani.

Sibel Edmonds brings to The People’s Book Project her tireless support for independence, critical thinking, media savvy, and has been a constant supporter of the Project and its research. Through her activism, research, writing, networking, and promotion, Sibel Edmonds has been and will continue to be a major source of support for The People’s Book Project, and her website, is host to a podcast show, “Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall,” through which I am able to share my research with others.

James Corbett

Member, External Advisory Group, The People’s Book Project

James Corbett is an independent journalist who has been living and working in Japan since 2004. He has been writing and producing The Corbett Report, an online multi-media news and information source, since 2007. His forthcoming book, “Reportage: Essays on the New World Order,” will be available for purchase later this year.

The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.

Mr. Corbett has extensive knowledge and unparalleled talent in bringing about major multi-media radio and video projects on highly complex and important issues with a drive for independent analysis, focused critique, excellent research, and bringing it together in a highly professional format with impeccable skill in making complicated subjects understandable. Corbett’s contribution to The People’s Book Project has and continues to be his highly important promotion and vocal support for its subject and efforts, as well as the wider ideas behind the Project, and he can bring his skills and talents in helping to move the Project forward.

Jack Pearpoint

Member, External Advisory Group, The People’s Book Project

Jack Pearpoint is an independent Canadian Publisher and catalyst for Inclusion, Diversity, Teamwork and CHANGE!

Jointly with his wife and partner, Lynda Kahn, Jack conducts workshops and consults with organizations and collaborates with people with disabilities and their families, to engage in positive change that honours the gifts and contributions of all. Earlier, Jack, his late wife Marsha Forest and John O’Brien, collaborated to create several person-centered approaches such as PATH, MAPS and Circles of Friends. The collaboration continues now with John and Lynda.

Jack’s forty years of organization experience include seven years in Africa implementing post-war reconstruction; sixteen years as President of Canada’s oldest literacy organization, Frontier College; and nearly two decades as a full-time publisher and presenter.

Jack is the founding director of the Marsha Forest Centre: Inclusion, Family and Community and remains its Executive Director. Jack and Lynda Kahn work internationally and have expanded their network beyond Canada and the United States to include people in Australia, England, India, China, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland, and Uganda.

Jack Pearpoint has been and continues to be an incredibly important supporter of The People’s Book Project, in providing material, moral, guidance, experience, and other forms of support and promotion. He brings decades of experience in editing, publishing, activism, and an unending support for ideas, individuals, and communities who seek true change in promoting concepts of Inclusion, cooperation, diversity, and mutual support.

Lynda Kahn

Member, External Advisory Group, The People’s Book Project

Lynda Kahn is a co-leader with Inclusion Press International, Toronto, working with individuals, families, organizations and governments interested in positive change. Lynda, together with her partner and husband, Jack Pearpoint, works with individuals, families, organizations and governments interested in positive change through facilitating conversations, planning sessions and offering training workshops. She is a member of the board of the Marsha Forest Center on Inclusion, Family and Community.

She served as the state of Rhode Island’s Executive Director of the Division of Developmental Disabilities from 1996 to 2005, serving in the public sector for 24 years. Her work included assisting in the closure of the state’s institution, The Ladd Center in 1993, collaborating on an individualized funding and budgeting approach for persons served by Rhode Island’s Division of Developmental Disabilities, and serving as President of the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS 2001-03), and on the Association’s Board for 8 years.

Her 40 years experience has taken her from institution to community settings, involving values-based person-centered planning as a means to facilitate individual and organizational change. She is passionate about leadership, change and personal engagement to realize a more just world where everyone’s voice and gifts are welcome.

She helped found Rhode Island’s Service Quality Network, and later was instrumental in creating the Rhode Island Facilitator’s Forum, which still thrives, as well as being a catalyst in the state’s Integrated Initiative on Positive Approaches, eliminating aversive and restrictive procedures.

Lynda also currently serves as Board President for Neighbours, Inc., an innovative organization based in New Jersey which assists people in living full lives, directing their own supports.

Lynda Kahn has been a tireless supporter of The People’s Book Project and brings her experience, commitment, facilitation, organization, planning, and active efforts in supporting, promoting, and advising The People’s Book Project in moving forward.

A Note on the External Advisory Group

This group of diverse individuals with different talents, associations, activities, efforts, ideas, and experience brings together important and vital advice, support, promotion, and efforts in helping The People’s Book Project move forward to completion, at which point it will move into the next stage: The People’s Foundation. The Book Project would not have survived up until this point if it had not been for each and every one of these individuals, and their role as members of the Advisory Group is to acknowledge their importance to the survival and progress of the Project up to and following the present time.

The External Advisory Group does not hold decision-making authority, financial control, or any institutional authority over The People’s Book Project. Its role is as an advisory body and support network. The members receive no financial or material benefits as members of the Group, and they participate on a voluntary support basis.

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to each member of my External Advisory Group in helping the Project making it to where it is, and in supporting it in moving forward. It would not have been possible without you all, so thank you for allowing me to recognize your constant, unyielding support.


Andrew Gavin Marshall

22 February 2012
