Press Release of AdLatch- Ad Revenue Tracker

By Babithajcosta

New Ad tracker latest press release about boosting your site/blog earning and how bloggers lose 23% to adblockers.Below is the letter from marketing manager and if interested please go through it.

Hey, I am Sanjay, Marketing Manager at AdLatch . Big fan of your work & have been waiting for this day for so long. You must be wondering, what is so special about this day - well, today we are for bloggers, media companies, and ecomm launching a product portals . to help them fight adblockers

As per various reports, bloggers are losing 23% of their ad revenue to adblockers . Everyday. In return, bloggers or content websites are trying to block content for such visitors. But, we believe that engaging such adblock-using visitors is the best solution hence we created . All you have to do is or and start engaging with adblocker-using visitors in multiple ways to: put 2 lines of AdLatch code on your blog website

To know more about them and how to join pls check it here.