Congressional Republicans and right-wing pundits still want to talk about how unpopular the president is, and how low his approval numbers are -- and that is still the big joke it has been for a several years now. While the president's numbers could be better, they are much better than those of the Republican-controlled Congress.
These charts were made with information from RealClearPolitics, and show the results of all the latest polls on both presidential job approval and congressional job approval. All of these surveys were done in March and April. Let me draw your attention to the figure on the right in both charts. This is the RealClearPolitics average of all the polls (and in the 2012 election this RCP average proved to be more accurate than any of the individual polls).
Note that the average approval for Congress is 18.8%, while the average approval for President Obama is 45.2%. That's a whopping 26.4 point difference in the president's favor. It's easy to see why the congressional GOP only wants to talk about the president's numbers. They are far too embarrassed to talk about their own numbers.