People in Massachusetts don’t like being told that elections have consequences, but in this part of Kennedy Country we have some chickens comin’ home to roost. ~TD
Lucy’s new favorite magazine, after Mother Jones
Shock, outrage over bombing suspect on cover of ‘Rolling Stone’Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pictured on cover of August issue
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been given the coveted spot on the cover of the August issue of Rolling Stone.
View: Minute-by-minute – How bombers attacked
Inside the issue, “Rolling Stone” uncovers new details about the night Tsarnaev was captured. As he was hiding in the boat in Watertown, police negotiators told him his old wrestling coach had made a public plea for him to surrender. Police said reminding him of his old life was what convinced him to surrender.
The magazine reports Dzhokhar once hinted that the thought the 9/11 attacks could be justified. He allegedly told a friend who wanted to meet older brother, Tamerlan, “No, You don’t want to meet him.”
Rolling Stone claims Tamerlan Tsarnaev once told his mother he felt like there were “two people” inside him. She believed religion would cure him.
Mayor Tom Menino and Gov. Deval Patrick spoke out about the decision to portray the alleged bomber on the cover.
“Why would they publicize a guy who destroyed people’s lives? It doesn’t make sense to me,” Menino said.
“I understand the substance of the article is not questionable, It is very good reporting, but the cover is out of taste,” Gov. Deval Patrick said.
Some local residents vowed to stop reading the magazine.
“That’s so strange. You do something horrible and there’s fame?” one resident said.
Federal documents breakdown how the Boston Bombing suspects reportedly carried out the attack, and shows how close friends attempted to hide evidence from investigators.
“I was there that day, and my son still talks about the horror the two bombs, the blood. All I want is justice,” another resident said.
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