Preparing for Busy Season

By Travelersmind
Well, this year is getting busier and busier by the day. Just when I thought I wouldn't be taking many trips, suddenly I find myself with three in one month! How did that happen?

I must give thanks, first, to my wonderful friend Christi for getting married this year and having her bachelorette party in Las Vegas over Memorial Day weekend (there's one trip.) Now, that has been in the works for some time, so I already anticipated that I would be traveling over the long weekend. Next, my co-worker deserves a nod for alerting me to a super sweet LivingSocial deal for $50 off a JetBlue flight from Chicago to Boston. A little research into fares and free weekends, and my Cinco de Mayo will now be spent cruising around bean town with my best friend, Emily. Finally, I am ever thankful to my freelance publisher for hooking me up with an all-expenses paid trip to New Orleans. So during the second weekend in May, I will be enjoying the sites and sounds of NoLa--but I will be working, too, of course. Throw in a bridal shower in Wausau, Wisconsin, the final weekend of April, and, needless to say, my life is pretty hectic the next few weeks. And I love it!
This is the kind of busy that I enjoy, because it involves getting out of Chicago and experiencing other places. And most of the trips involve spending time with my closest friends who I don't get to see on a regular basis, so how could I possibly complain about that?
Now, being the crazed traveler that I can be, I have already started planning for these various trips, making sure I have everything covered: transportation, departure and arrival times, budgets, outfits, scheduled activities, accommodations, etc. There is a lot involved in the process, and with so many trips back-to-back, I need to make sure I have it all organized. The lists are already being made, and I'll probably be adding something to them every day before I embark on this crazy month of traveling.
Luckily for all of you, more trips for me means more posts to read! So be ready for some interesting tidbits, exciting adventures and oh so many pictures! It's going to be a thrilling month, to say the least!