Prepare Yourself For Pregnancy After 40

By Momatlast @momatlast

So, you have finally become pregnant after 40 after years of struggle with infertility. Congratulations, you are expecting a baby.

Getting pregnant after the age of 40 brings with it a gamut of emotions. You are excited that finally you will have your own little angel, yet you are apprehensive because you have read and heard so many sad stories about getting pregnant over 40 or late pregnancy. However, you do not have to be anxious at all. The number of women giving birth to healthy babies even after 40 has increased considerably. Experts believe that if expectant mothers take care of themselves, they have as much a chance of delivering a healthy baby as any other 20 year old woman! So make sure, you eat well, eat right, and get plenty of rest.

Reasons For Pregnancy After 40

A lot of women choose to delay their pregnancy due to various reasons. They may be pursuing their career or married late. Sometimes, infertility is also the reason for delayed pregnancy. The perfectionist attitude, approval addiction, or volatile relationship in the past are cited as common reasons for infertility.

Pre-natal Tests

While routine pre-natal tests, such as blood, urine, and blood pressure checks are performed on all pregnant women; your physician will recommend some other tests to you. These tests include Down syndrome, Amniocentesis, and Chronic Villus Sampling or CVS. These tests are aimed at diagnosing any genetically birth defects in the baby.

When do you break the news?

Most women, who are pregnant after 40, choose to break the news only after they have received a normal result from the prenatal tests. Since a majority of miscarriages occurs before 12 weeks, most women prefer to wait until the first trimester of the pregnancy wheel to announce their pregnancy to the world.

Be Prepared For The Reactions

Most women who have got pregnant over 40 face this. Your news of pregnancy will evoke all sorts of reactions, ranging from joy to amazement to disapproval. Do not get discouraged by this behavior. Instead, enjoy this period of your life. Besides yourself, you need to prepare others around you for this big change in life. Assure them that your love for the family will not change. Prepare yourself and the others around you emotionally to usher in this new period in your life.

Remove The Negativity Around You

Your body releases all sorts of hormones during different stages of pregnancy making you highly volatile emotionally. You go through a roller coaster of emotions. During such an emotionally turbulent time, you will do well by removing all the negativity around you. Avoid people who disapprove of pregnancy after 40. Take time to relax and pamper yourself and cherish this beautiful moment in your life.

Change Your Lifestyle

Now that you are pregnant, you need to make some vital changes in your lifestyle. To start with, you need to go a little easy on your job. Too much stress can be very harmful to the baby. Remove harmful substances like caffeine, tobacco, or alcohol from your diet. Change your diet plan to include nutritious food, such as green vegetables and fruits. Meditation and light exercises are also known to help.

About the Author

You may be pregnancy after 40, but do not let that take away from you the joy of motherhood. Make your pregnancy fun by wearing trendy maternity clothes, celebrating baby shower and reading about healthy pregnancy. Get the important information on pregnancy cord blood banking

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