Pregnancy Skincare Routine: Yours Peronalised Skincare

By Chaayen

For those of you who are not blessed with the pregnancy glow, you are in luck! Because I found some skincare products which are pregnancy safe. Yours is a personalised skincare regime that matches your skin to the products and most importantly they use only natural products!
Now that I am reaching the end of my pregnancy journey, my pregnancy glow is fading so this comes at quite a timely moment. I have to admit that Yours packagaing caught my eye because I am a sucker for pastel color Hehe. So far, I have been using it quite religiously because it is quite easy to adhere to. 2 pumps of the serum in the morning and 2 pumps of the moisturiser at night.

1. Yours Personalised Face Serum (US$25)
You can think of this as a lightweight corrector that can help to speed up acne skin (which I don't have at the moment) and the balance serum production. You definitely don't feel it on your face and even though it is not entirely watery, it spreads really well on the face. I do notice some of my old pimple spots becoming less visible. 
The active ingredients in my personalised serum includes alp sebum, sebocea and nyo snesyl. I have a bit of a sensitive skin but so far after using Yours for a week, I don't have any breakouts from it. In fact, I even went au naturale for my maternity shoot! That's how confident I am of my skin now really!
2. Yours Personalised Night Cream (US$25)
I am a little bit more wary about moisturiser because I tend to have breakouts after using them. This product is supposed to act as a night armor to repair any damage skin and sooth away signs of tiredness so that I can wake up to supple, glowing skin.  To be honest, I haven't been sleeping well for the third trimester but so far my skin doesn't shows sign of it. I might be looking a little too radiant until my doctor has not offered me any hospitalisation leave. Dang!
The active ingredients include sunflower oil and betaine. As compared to the serum, this mixture is a lot thicker and you definitely feel it on your skin. But as far as I am concerned, as long as it does what it promises and don't harm the little one in my tummy, a little bit of stickiness never kills. 

Overall, I am quite pleased with Yours and can't wait to try their eye serum. Special thanks to The Asian Parent for recommending them to me. Hopefully, they can help me keep up with my pregnancy glow even after baby arrives, cos I really need it when I am sleep deprived. For my readers, Yours is offering a 10% off if you quote "CHAAYEN". There is a minimum spending of US$50 and will only last till 30 Sep 2020. So if you really want to try them, this is a good chance!