Pregnancy Journal Update: Week 27/Third Trimester, Here I Am!

By Slowdownandsavor

Hey everyone! Sorry it’s been a while. Actually, it’s almost been 3 weeks since I’ve updated my pregnancy journal. We’ve been really busy between getting ready for Christmas, enjoying our amazing week-long Philadelphia vacation, and then actually settling back home, and having Christmas. It’s been a couple of outstanding yet jam-packed weeks which left me with NO time to sit down and reflect on my pregnancy, my body and our ever-growing baby boy.

I can’t believe it, you guys. It’s official. I’ve officially entered my third trimester. THIRD. TRIMESTER. I’m officially 27 weeks along, in my 7th month and in my third trimester. There’s less than 100 days until the baby’s due date of March 28th, and I’m just starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.

There’s a lot to plan for, a lot to buy, and a lot to do to prepare before our little one makes his grand debut, and it kind of freaks me out, especially since we have SO much else going on around here. EEK!

And it seems as though I passed my glucose test! Hurrah! They basically told me they’d call me if there were any issues, and it’s been a month with no phone call. No news is good news when it comes to gestational diabetes tests. That should be a bumper sticker, no?

Anyway, let’s move into the questions.

How pregnant am I? 27 weeks, 7 months & start of the 3rd Trimester began on Saturday, Dec 27.

How big is baby? This week, Baby Jack weighs almost 2 pounds (about the size of a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with his legs extended. He’s sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers. With more brain tissue developing, baby’s brain is very active now. While his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments (Thanks

Weight Gain: I’m up 20 pounds since the day we found out we had a bun in the oven.

Body & Changes: I’m getting bigger, and that’s pretty exciting and intimidating at the same time. I’m having a more and more difficult time in bending over, getting up from the couch and other menial tasks that I had once taken for granted. Crazy. No thank you. But, it’s all temporary. I’ll have my tummy muscles back someday!

But I have to say, the heartburn/indigestion/sour stomach is serious, you guys. It’s beyond serious how bad it is. I have the worst time with sleep, mostly because it gets WAY worse when I lay down. I’ve been taking some 24-Hour Prevacid once daily, and knock back bottles of Tums and still nothing helps. Water doesn’t fix the situation, and part of me legitimately believes that the water actually exacerbates my problem.

A couple of nights ago, I was actually brought to tears by the severity of this pain, so if any of you experienced mama’s out there have any advice whatsoever, please feel free to pass it along down in the comments section.

** EDIT **
The Prevacid actually started to work and last night I slept soundly, only waking 2 times to pee. HURRAHHHHHH!!!

Oh, and the searing pain of sciatica. THAT’S FUN TOO. My word. Luckily, another temporary thing but I just… Sometimes the idea of getting up to walk somewhere makes me scared. It comes and goes, so thankfully, it’s not a chronic issue. But when it’s there, it’s there in a big way, and makes walking or sitting in certain positions a fresh sort of hell.

I’m also not going to miss the headaches and constant exhaustion. I never got that second trimester burst of energy everyone promised me, so that was a bit of a let-down, but I guess I could just consider myself lucky that I’m getting extra practice in thriving in a non-sleep situation. I’ll use these new found skills when Baby Jack comes. See, positivity is good.

I have also experienced a couple of pesky leg cramps in the middle of the night, but luckily, that symptom came and went within just a few days, and didn’t cause much in the way of discomfort. Thank God.

I also haven’t experienced a lick of swelling, which is pretty sa-weet in my book. I still am able to comfortably wear my rings, and my feet are the same size as usual. Phew. I hope to avoid this symptom entirely, but I know that’s unrealistic. Luckily, I have also avoided a popped out belly button, and I have zero stretch marks! That’s a double win there.

Clothes: All sweats and maternity clothes. Nothing else fits.

Food: I am really going crazy over lightly sautéed garlic broccoli still. I picked some broccolini up at the store yesterday to go with dinner for some night, so I’m really looking forward to that. We also got 2 whole tilapias, so the whole filleting our own fish for dinner thing will be fun and interesting. Stay tuned for that.

I’m craving French fries like a beast, and you know what else sounds really good right now? Spicy and seductively flavored pho. And cheesy nachos. And… spaghetti, lasagna, and… Italian hoagies, broccoli pizza and… so many things!!!

But what doesn’t sound good: CHICKEN. Wat.. No. Just kidding. As I’m writing this, fried chicken sounds good. But what’s weird about that is I hate fried chicken. I hadn’t had any fried chicken of any kind for YEARS until a month or so ago when we went to visit Michael’s grandparents in Bay City, and had some Church’s for our after church lunch. Man… fried chicken sounds spectacular right about now… Ugh. Chicken. JUICY FRIED CHICKEN.

But until I can get my hands, or my mouth, on some amazing chicken, please excuse me while I go make some pasta with vodka sauce. Again. Because apparently THIS is all I eat.

Any Movement: Baby Jack moves all the time, and that’s amazing. I actually felt little punches or kicks or nudges or whatever in more than one spot at the same time. Like just the other day, I felt movement in my lower abdomen AND up near my ribs all at once. How cool? I absolutely love feeling him move around in my belly and I can tell that I’m really going to miss this part of pregnancy.

Sleep: I’m super tired by the end of a day and can’t wait to go to sleep at night, but my sleep quality is just terrible. I wake up a ton again, either to pee, which by the way is getting really REALLY old, or to take Tums, or to adjust my pillow situation, or to eat. I just don’t sleep well at all.

Emotions: Yeah, I’m all over the place. I cry a lot and laugh really hard. I guess my emotions are just on the extreme side of things these days, and that’s OK. Though when Michael ate the last of the Reese’s Peanut Butter Puffs cereal, I was NOT pleased, and pouted like a baby, and actually cried in bed. I decided to go ahead and make a sandwich instead, but that’s when I learned the bread had expired over a month ago, and that sent me on a new tailspin. I guess the lesson here is that food is incredibly emotional for me, especially when I don’t have any.

Purchases: Lots more fun makeup that I can’t wait to review on here in the near future. My new obsessions are the Tarte clean slate flawless 12-hr brightening primer, Urban Decay Naked Skin foundation, the Urban Decay Vice 3 palette, the Urban Decay Naked on the Run palette, and the Tarte Amazonian Clay blush in blissful. I’m just in love.

A look I did using the Vice3 Palette from Urban Decay, Blissful blush from Tarte, and the UD Naked Skin Foundation. Love. It.

What I miss: Not knowing what true heartburn is like. I hate this so much. Just the severity of it is out of control, and it at times makes my mouth water so hard, like I’m about to throw up. I can’t deal with this. It’s just so bad.

What I’m looking forward to: I’m looking forward to a life with no more heartburn, taking a tour of our birthing facility, working with friends/family to plan baby showers, and other fun stuff like that. I haven’t had that nesting itch at all, so hopefully I’ll start looking forward to shopping for baby and stuff like that, but for now, I’m content with waiting a bit longer.

Best Moment of the Week: CHRISTMAS!