Pregnancy Faves, Part Two

By Agadd @ashleegadd

I’ve officially reached the stage of pregnancy where I can no longer put on my own socks without grunting and getting out of bed in the morning is starting to resemble this. Last week I found a melted piece of chocolate in my bra, and today I spilled half a coffee all over my sweater, my shoes, and aisle 7 of my local Target. Cute.

I am still attempting to get dressed in real clothes a few times a week, counting down till Christmas at this point because come January 1, you’ll find me exclusively in black sweatpants until this baby comes. Most likely paired with this sweatshirt.

I digress! Here are a few things I’m loving at 27 weeks pregnant:

// Wardrobe //

 Remember that one time i spilled coffee all over myself in the middle of target? Me too.

Remember that one time i spilled coffee all over myself in the middle of target? Me too.

These Blanqi maternity leggings are officially on sale and YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY GET SOME. I bought these one whole year ago before I was even pregnant and I am so glad I did. They put all my other maternity leggings to shame. Yes, really.

This bralette. Apologies for the TMI, but I woke up two weeks ago and NONE of my bras fit. Cue: me running to Target on a Wednesday night and grabbing every bralette off the racks. I probably need to buy some new real bras eventually (or, to be more efficient, new nursing bras!), but for the time being, I am living in this. Also tried this one on for fun and didn’t end up buying it but wish I would have. Walked out with this lounge bra as well (the back is so cute!).

Speaking of boobs, I’m trying not to buy any tops right now that aren’t nursing-friendly. Picked up this cute button down from Zara in a bigger size and I give it five stars. Fits the belly for now; will work for breastfeeding later.

These are not maternity, but I tried them on in the store and they were so stretchy, I figured I could wear them under my belly with a sweater and make it work. The metallic thread detail creates a glittery effect, perfect for the holidays!

Speaking of glittery, I’ve got this skirt on my wear-through-the-holidays wishlist.

This velvet dress is a close second.

This is also not maternity, but I bought a size large and love the fit so much. This is the sweater I was wearing when I spilled coffee all over myself (pictured above) and I am pleased to announce the stain came out, hallelujah. Looks like the tan color is mostly sold out but it’s still available in black!

Fully expecting some of my hair to fall out postpartum (good times!), so in the meantime I’m making an effort to enjoy these pregnancy-infused locks of mine while I still have them. I bought these clips off Amazon and they make me feel v. fancy.

// Exercise + Health //

I am typically a vinyasa-or-bust type of gal, but I went to a slow hatha yin class this week and it was surprisingly good. We used a ton of props and I didn’t struggle through the class the same way I’ve been huffing and puffing through recent vinyasa flows. Moral of the story: yin yoga is kind of awesome and I had no idea because I had always stereotyped it “lazy yoga” in my mind. (Fellow enneagram nerds know a type 3 would never go to lazy yoga if they could help it.)

I am terrible at drinking water, but Brett started filling up my water bottle every night and it’s making a huge difference. He set an alarm on his phone and everything. #husbandoftheyear

// Nesting //

I know. It’s my third baby. I still made a registry. Can’t help myself. Babylist is my favorite registry and I’ve used them for all three of my kiddos. You can add stuff from any store, including Etsy, and you can also register for super useful things like housecleaning, meals, etc.

This shop is so cute!

Also love every single thing in this shop, run by my own friend (and Sacramento local!) Maia.

My BFF Lauren is coming to town next weekend to help me make something like this and this. The last time she came to Sacramento, I was 34 weeks pregnant with Carson and she spent the weekend making things for his room while I ate cheese and watched. Not sure if anything will be different this time around. I’m a big fan of staying in my lane, and my lane is certainly not crafting. Although when I was in her neck of the woods over the summer I managed to snap a few photos of her sweet family, so I’m not a totally useless friend, in case you were wondering.

I discovered Kayla’s work on Instagram and have been a tad obsessed with her ever since. On my nursery wishlist: one of her paintings!

Another big nursery wishlist item: a wall hanging from my pal Sarah.

I haven’t even started thinking about packing a hospital bag, but I did pick out baby girl’s coming home outfit.

// Memory-Keeping //

My friend Lee is taking maternity pictures for us in a couple weeks and this time around, we’re going to do a simple session at home. I did both of my other maternity sessions outdoors in maxi dresses, and wanted to change things up this time around. Plus, I somehow went through two whole pregnancies without any photos of my bare belly, and I really want to make sure I get at least one because this is most likely going to be my last pregnancy (!). Snapping iphone pics in the meantime, and pinning inspiration here.

The prettiest baby book that has ever existed. You can use promo code CRUMBS to get one for $99 now through the end of November! This is SUCH A GOOD GIFT IDEA for a new mom.

I’ve hardly written a dang thing this pregnancy, but I’m over at Coffee + Crumbs today talking about age gaps and growing our family and that feeling you get when you wear a sweater for the first time in the fall.

Pregnant mommas, whatcha lovin’ these days?

ALSO, question for nursing moms (it’s been a while!) — do you have any nursing bras/tanks you love? I want to get a few things before February and would love some recommendations! I didn’t keep much from the first two times because both my kids spit up every five minutes and all my bras and tanks were gross by the time I finished nursing. Help a sister out!

p.s. Pregnancy faves, part one