Predicting Home Design Trends in 2014

By Goedekershomelife @goedekers

Photo by Flickr user frumbert.

From award-winning remodeling and design firm Neil Kelly Company to popular home design bloggers, many people have made predictions of trends they expect to see in 2014. These predictions cover a lot of territory and incorporate knowledge of shifts in society as a whole, such as increased media usage and the appeal of going green.

Goedeker’s has compiled a list of these predictions and condensed them into a list of the top 9 things to watch for in the upcoming year.

1. Color usage will be more modern and bold. 2014 may finally be the year to say goodbye to beige as a common decorating color. Instead, designers predict that black and other darker hues will grow in popularity, and that they will be accented by metallic accessories for a more modern look. Shades of blue, especially navy blue, are expected to be used more often. Other bold colors, including teal and yellow, will be seen more frequently as well.

2. Room designs will be more media-oriented and technologically advanced. The average living room has become a media center of sorts, with families gathering to watch movies or play video games, so design trends will seek to accommodate these tendencies. Wall sockets with USB ports for charging phones and other devices will start appearing in more homes. Also, more home systems will have smart phone control compatibility.

3. Kitchens will be updated. Many kitchens may be getting a facelift in 2014. Designers have been saying that many other rooms of the house will have a more glamorous feel, but they expect that kitchens will be affected the most. Other features to look out for are metal backsplashes and eco-friendly cabinets.

4. The layout of bathrooms will change. Research has shown that more people prefer showers than baths, so oversized walk-in showers will become a more common fixture in bathrooms. If you are a bath person, you may consider a bathroom with a freestanding bathtub, which is the latest trend.  One surprising thing to note is that, when polled, a majority of people said they would install a urinal in their home bathroom, so these may start appearing more often as well.

5. Shabby chic and traditional styles will make a comeback. For those who aren’t decorating in the modern style, elements of the shabby chic style, such as vintage pieces and floral prints, will be favored instead. It is also anticipated that the traditional style will experience a resurgence of interest.

6. The man cave will come out of hiding. No longer confined to the basement, the “man cave” will be out in the open and more easily accessible to the rest of the members of your family and any visitors you may have.

7. Wood grain will be used more in decorating. Whether it’s butcher block countertops or hardwood floors, wood grain will be seen more often.

8. There will be fewer yards with natural grass. Synthetic lawns and other alternatives will increase in popularity, saving people hours of maintenance and conserving water.

9. More homes will use floating storage space. Shelves, cabinets, countertops, and more no longer need to rest along walls or in corners. Island counters featuring several drawers are just one of the many types of floating storage that will be incorporated in the layout of rooms.

Do you think these predictions will come true? Do you have a prediction of your own that you’d add to make the list an even 10? Share your thoughts in the comments below!