Pre Menstrual Syndrome Can Be Avoided by Natural Remedies

Posted on the 26 February 2014 by Health_news

 PMS or Pre menstrual syndrome is a collection of emotional and physical symptoms experienced by women few days before periods start. Majority of women faces these symptoms at one time or other in their life. Once menstrual periods begin, these symptoms subside slowly and gradually. Everything is normal, once periods start. Sometimes these symptoms are mild and sometimes they are quite extreme necessitating medical help. If a woman is prone to such symptoms, she can use a wide range of natural remedies well in advance as that will help her counteract this monthly hassle.

Some of the most common natural remedies that can help in relieving PMS condition are as under-

  • Calcium-Many studies conducted in this field suggest that women suffering from PMS usually show a low level of calcium in their bodies. Thus, if they take calcium supplementation at this time, they can get a great relief from these symptoms. Calcium is also available in many food products and intake of such foods must be increased just a few days before period begins. Symptoms associated with PMS like bloating, pain, depression, food cravings and mood swings are controlled to a significant level with calcium intake.
  • Chaste Tree Berry-Another popular herb that helps in this condition is Chaste tree. This berry also offers a lot of relief from PMS symptoms like depression, irritability, tenderness in breasts and headaches. There is one downside of consuming this herb. Some women experience headache, nausea, menstrual disorders, itching, digestive disturbances, skin rashes and acne.
  • Magnesium-Magnesium, which is one of the popular minerals and is found in a wide array of food product also helps a lot when combating with PMS. Women who take 360 mg magnesium 3 times in a day, starting from the 15th day till menstrual period begins, it was found that they were greatly relieved from PMS symptoms. The major change was seen in frequent mood swings which make a woman quite irritable. These supplements also help in reducing weight gain, abdominal bloating, legs and hands swelling, and tenderness in breasts. If magnesium is taken in excess, it can result in vomiting, nausea, slow rate of heart, low BP, coma, confusion, deficiency of other minerals and it can also cause death. Thus, magnesium supplements must be taken with great care.
  • Evening Primrose Oil-A popular plant oil, referred to as evening primrose oil has gamma-linolenic acid which is an important omega-6 fatty acid. Gamma-linolenic acid helps in the metabolism of prostaglandins that helps in the regulation of inflammation and pain in the body.
  • Acupuncture-Acupuncture is a popular Chinese way of treatment. According to this therapy liver which is an organ in our body gets severely affected by anger, stress and frustration. Using this method of treatment, PMS symptoms like cramps, abdominal bloating and tenderness in breast can be avoided to a considerable extent. Liver stagnation is relieved through this treatment which helps in reducing symptoms.

 Besides the above natural remedies, regular exercises and relaxation can also help in reducing PMS symptoms.