Prayers in Numbers

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

One of the things I like about My Girly Parts and part of the intention of the blog is Support One Another in times of need.

A Community of tight knit women is one of the most powerful things you can have. Women Support One Another because, for the majority, we are all compassionate about what one is going through.

I have shared my ups and downs with perimenopause moments, my menstrual woes, and my breast health scares and ya’ll have given me such great support and love.

Now I’d like to give it back.

A dear blogger friend of mine received some unsettling and quite possibly devastating news earlier this week. If you are member of the My Girly Parts group on Facebook, you might have seen her talk about it.

I was happy to see that she was getting support in the group from other women. It really means a lot to see that happening in our group.

To my surprise, because it’s not her typical blog post, she reached out to her readers for support or possibly just to get it off her chest. The Community of women and men reaching out to her and offering her guidance and support is awesome! If you’d like to read her post, here it is Hoping for the Best…

The internet has opened up a whole new world to the meaning of Support, as well as, the Power of blogging friends.

I for one, am glad to be part of such a great Community as well as to have become friends with you, my readers, my confidants, my friends.

I am a firm believer of Prayers in Numbers regardless of what your religion or spirituality. Let’s all reach out and support our fellow friend today.

Thank you.