Prata Potpourri: Tully, Royal Wedding Sermon, the Ascension, the Holy Spirit, Big Mirrors, Lawn Chair Season & the Books That Go with Them, More

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
A plethora of potpourri items from around the web for your edification and amusement.
Housewife Aimee Byrd (The Housewife Theologian) discusses the new Carlton Pearson movie Come Sunday personally and theologically in her piece The Gospel of Inclusion.
As my friend Greg said, "This is how to show appreciation and express criticism in the same article. Well said!"
What Would Jesus Say About Bishop Curry’s Royal Wedding Sermon? - Garrett Kell
Today Bishop Michael Curry gave a powerful sermon at the Royal wedding of Prince Harry and Princess Meghan. If you have not heard it, listen here or read the transcript.

Have you considered the Cross? The resurrection? Me too. All the time. But have you considered the Ascension? /crickets/ Nope, me either. Here in his essay at Reformation 21 called Ascension Matters, Tom Bertolet discusses it, and it's good.
Justin McKitterick at The Expositors Blog reminds- Pastors, We Are Shepherds.
Dallas Holm has thoughts about what is perhaps the overlooked Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit in his essay Understanding the Holy Spirit
Kress Biblical Resources: is dedicated to helping those who study the Scriptures find the resources that will help them understand, apply, and proclaim the Word of God. timely, clear, and doctrinally sound books and resources for pastors and Bible students. Our authors are approved workmen, not celebrities. Our books are designed to stand the test of exegesis, not chase after every new wind of doctrine. Kress began in 2002 to provide solid, biblical resources for those who have set their hearts to study God’s Word, to practice it, and to teach it. Seeing a growing trend in unsound and insubstantial materials, even in books meant for pastoral preparation, Eric Kress, a former pastor himself and a Master’s Seminary graduate, set out to reprint previously published books that would be of help to the expositor and Bible student, and to develop new resources that rightly divide the Word of truth.
Carrie at Carrie's Busy Nothings recommends two books in her ongoing series What's On My Nightstand. Ahhh, summer reads.
At Delivered By Grace, in this short video Weekend Spotlight, Josh Buice, Steven Lawson, Tim Challies, and Phil Johnson talk about missions and how it’s the responsibility of the local church.
Santa Fe Texas High School shooter's family puzzled by attack
10 died inside the high school, two teachers and 8 students
A movie review of Tully by World, and also Common Sense Media, that might not be to everyone's taste but I include it because the depression moms of newborns feel (not postpartum) about the sameness and mundanity of motherhood isn't often explored. World "reports the news from a Christian worldview: interpreting world events under the reality of the Christian faith".
You might want to know of Ted Baehr and his page that reviews movies and TV shows from a Christian point of view. Common Sense Media is common sense but not an explicitly Christian site. Baehr is Founder and Publisher of MOVIEGUIDE®:  The Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment and Chairman of the Christian Film & Television Commission® ministry. His review of Tully is here. All reviews detail what might be objectionable, so I leave it to you.

Country Life UK has a pleasant article about Jackdaws and while you're there take a gander at the real estate section, estates and castles for sale.
Victoria Elizabeth Barnes is a hoarder of Giant Fancy Things, and sees a mirror that is in Philadelphia. Only problem is, she's in New Mexico...
Julie Ann Baumer writes (very well I might add) of Lawn Chair Season. This is an important season when you live in Maine.
As for me, I have one week of school left then I'm sprung for my own lawn chair season. I am hoping to snag the following items at my favorite deep-discount vintage store. There's also a glider, I'll take a look at it. Both might be snatched up before I can get there, but that is the way of things.

Also this sweet, sweet mid-century teapot. The prices on the items are what were on for the estate sale, the prices are always lower at the store they wind up in by the purchaser of the estate.

And this, this is the reason I've been haunting the vintage store for two years. I am in search of a little, round teapot with white background and flowers motif. It doesn't even have to be excessively vintage. And here it is. I knew it'd show up eventually!

And if the price is right, this little mid-century teacup wouldn't hurt, either:

Have a wonderful week ahead everyone!