Prata Potpourri: Diapers & Doxology, Gilley Reviews Girl, What If That Couple Shows Up? and More

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
By Elizabeth Prata
It's January, a time of year I'd not enjoyed in the past, when I was living in Maine. It's cold, frigid, dangerously cold, and snowy. And icy. And cold. Did I say cold? Here in Georgia a cold day is temps in the upper 40s and that only lasts a few days. Then it's warm again.
I will love New Jerusalem when the temperature will always be perfect and nothing coming from the sky will hinder, annoy, or destroy. As it is, my view in my yard is pretty good for a January day:

But enough of the weather. Please enjoy a variety of articles I've discovered around the web.
Amy Spreeman has some good tips if you're looking for a new church and you decide to scan the website's Statement of Faith. Also, this commenter on Amy's article Facebook has a great tip:
Eileen M Niehaus said, "Often many can be eliminated much more quickly if they have a “women’s ministry” tab. I have eliminated many churches from consideration just by looking here, if they are doing Priscilla or Beth or other such studies or any mention of “Jesus Calling” books that says volumes more than a carefully written statement of faith.
WomenOfTheTable recommended Diapers & Doxology, a website with essays on Parenting, Bible Studies, Book Reviews by Vickie, mother of 8 kids and married to Shawn. Instagram here too.
While you're at it check out Tulips & Honey.
Gary Gilley at Think On These Things reviews Girl, Wash Your Face in the latest issue. Ohhh, this oughta be good...
Well I guess that leaves me out...
Prying the phone out of the teenager's hand at bed time was hard, but worth it. Read why.
'Spiritual warfare is not about spooky special effects' are 10 quotes about spiritual warfare from David Powlison's final book
Tom Buck's 4-part series on same sex attraction and Living Out caused a stir. Here is Founders with more
Susan Lafferty writes about Weeds, the pesky thangs.
I can so relate to this, What if That Couple shows Up to Church Tomorrow? Ouch. But a good ouch.
You should get to know John and Betty Stam, martyr missionaries in China. This book is a good start.
I am terrible at hospitality.
Cody A. Cunningham has some thoughts about birds, flowers, and anxiety
Here's a blast from The End Time past, 2012:
It's Important to Be DiscerningHey, at least I'm consistent!
Have a great day everyone. :)