Practically Tempo

By Khourianya @khourianya
I was just about to go get changed, when Katie messaged me to see if I was up for a run.  The only catch was that it had to be a quick one because she had an early meeting this afternoon.
I suggested 4k and that we push the pace a bit and get back as quick as we could.

So that's exactly what we did :)
We ran the Southwood Loop and I could definitely feel it in my conversation skills that we were pushing the pace.   In the end, we were back to the office in 27 mins and she made it to her meeting.

You can't tell from that pic, but I was positively dripping sweat into my eyes. The summer heat has started to mellow a bit but it is still damn hot out there.
The nice part of this run is that I was still able to converse at this pace...and run continuously...that should bode well for maintaining this kind of pace in my upcoming races...

That first km has a really bitchy hill so that pace is a win!

This isn't it for my run today...I still have a fun one with my little family tonight as we are doing the 2.5k fun run at the Zoo Fundraiser for the Grand re-opening of Shawnessy Running Room!  I'll be back with cute kid pictures later ;)