PPP in the USA

By Iratemonkey @_sam_williams_

The PPP team are always busy even when they are away from the field site! PPP Research Coordinator, Sam Williams, and I are in the states visiting family but we also used the opportunity to promote the project and keep on top of equipment repair.

Last year two teachers from Bainbridge High School, near Seattle, WA,  joined our Earthwatch programme. They learned a great deal from their experiences with Earthwatch at Lajuma Research Centre and were featured in their local paper http://www.bainbridgereview.com/news/235949161.html when they returned. They realised that their students would benefit from a similar experience and have organised to bring a group of students to South Africa to work with the Primate and Predator Project for several weeks in early August 2014.  As Sam and I were staying near to their school, the teachers invited us to do a presentation about the project for students and parents at the school. We had a great night. The students are very excited about their trip and we are really looking forward to working with this enthusiastic group!



Sam and I also played courier and hauled 14 camera traps in need of repair back to the states. It’s an ongoing challenge to keep up with maintaining all our equipment! Here is a photo of the huge box they were packed in to go back to the manufacturer. Thank you to all the Research Assistants and Earthwatch volunteers who have helped us carry cameras and other equipment to and from South Africa over the past few years!


- Katy Williams, PPP Field Team Leader