Power of Calm Mind

By Atulsharmasharma
Often we feel irritated when we are full of anxiety and tension. Whereas when our mind is calm we feel alive. Today we will read two wonders done by a calm mind:
--- Archimedes worktable was full of worry one day. Tensed, he threw everything out and went into the bathroom to take a bath. He tried his best to relax his mind and he succeded. Suddenly he hopped out of the tub and ran naked on the streets yelling:
   Eureka! Eureka!
He had found principle of buoyancy. The principle which states that why a small coin sinks whereas ships weighing thousands of pounds float easily.
--- After spending considerable time to find solutions to arrest the disease of diabetes,one night in a drowsy state of mind Dr. Frederic Benting, Noble laureate got the solution in extraction of residue from the degenerated pancreatic duct of dogs. And this lead to this invention of Insulin.