Power of Being #together with Family

By Awanish Kumar @snazzyawi
I think the togetherness is very important ingredient of our life. In one of my recent post, I mentioned about the power of optimism and its importance in our life. It's always difficult to be optimistic all day, everyday and sometimes we need a little motivation, strength and a spirit of togetherness to get back on track. Togetherness brings happiness in our life, whether it comes from the family, best friends or our love. It brings positive thoughts within us to cheer a joyful life with lots of fun, emotion, caring & sharing.

Since my childhood, I always preferred to be with my family, my mother, father, brothers & sisters. We all love to live with our parents, but it's not always possible. We need to move out, to explore the world & learn new lessons in life. Similarly, I left my family & home for further studies after my schooling. It was the first time I was leaving my home, my family, after getting admission in engineering college, I decided to stay in the college hostel for accommodation as it was safe and was within the university campus. I still remember the first night in my hostel room away from family, I was very depressed & feeling alone. That one night made me realized the importance of being with your family & togetherness. Later first semester started, I got busy with studies, exams, daily tests, but somewhere inside I was waiting for the semester end, so that I can get back to my native town, spent lots of time with family and parents. I had already booked the tickets in advance. I was counting each day, after finishing my semester exams. I packed my bag & rushed to the railway station. While traveling I was thinking about the happy faces of my parents, when they will see me after such a long period. As it was difficult for me to live away from them, I understood, It was also not so simple for them. The next day I reached home, & I hugged my mom, she started crying & my eyes were also full of tears. I saw the happiness on fathers face, her eyes were full of joy & excitement. My brother embraced me too & told me that how much he was missing me. We spent the whole day talking about my college life, my studies & my life away from home. I was relaxed, I was calm, I was feeling the power of togetherness. It proved the fact that, family makes us strong & is one of the best gifts of god. That day I decided, no matter what, I will always stay together with my family & cherish the gift of togetherness with my loved ones.I would mention a quote, which I have read recently somewhere in social media " Love, family, togetherness, making happy memories are the most important things to make a top priority in life".The power in togetherness,  gives us the strength and motivation we needed to go on with optimism & lookup.This post is inspired from Housing.com, for peoples who believe in the power of optimism & togetherness.