Power Blogging Jon Morrow Has Its Secret

Posted on the 29 March 2013 by Maria Snyder @MariaConsulting

Few writers active in the blog-O-sphere capture more of their audience than Jon Morrow. You probably already know Jon’s writing because the style is simple yet effective enough to stick in your head. He reads your mind with each post, consistently making it seem like you need the information he just delivered to you in each blog post. Yes he writes for Copyblogger and yes he has the secret to building a popular blog.

Wait – Jon’s a blogger?

Yes and he is a genius with a witty sense of humor and great business sense. It’s why the posts he writes will speak to you on a psychic level. He doesn’t offer tricks, or fancy advice. Jon gives real time, truth to what makes your writing matter – so that you too will read your readers mind.

I can’t get him out of my head!

You’d never know that Jon resides in Mexico enjoying an ocean view because his writing makes it seem like he just met you, is your best friend and summarized information you need to know now – the mind meld trick just happens. It’s kind of nice to know that he knows what we are all thinking.

Jon has an OUTSTANDING series of videos and posts that explain on this guest blogging stuff that you can get by signing up here.  Some of the topics Jon covers are how to get your first 1000 email subscribers, SEO for bloggers and how to build an email list from nothing.

How to Quit Your Job, Move to Paradise and Get Paid to Change the World was a guest post Jon wrote for Problogger.com.

The following text is by Jon from a different article  on Copyblogger.com named Editor Admits to Sleeping with Readers and Recommends You Do the Same:

With 5,518 shares on Facebook and 2,365 tweets on Twitter, this is the most popular post I’ve ever written, and some folks are saying it’s their favorite post of 2011 … from any blog.


Because it’s about dreams.
Every blogger dreams of quitting their job and writing full-time. Every blogger dreams of moving to paradise and working from their laptop on the beach instead of a cubicle. Every blogger dreams of somehow, some way doing their own small part to change the world.
And I packed all three dreams into a single headline. It’s like taking pure Godiva chocolate, the world’s strongest espresso, and the finest scotch known to man, and combining them all into a single drink. The potency of it would damn near blow your head off.
Same thing happened here. People were so touched they burst into tears. One guy emailed to say he had been planning to commit suicide, and the post changed his mind.

It wasn’t my impeccable grammar that stopped him. It wasn’t my flawless spelling. It wasn’t even, I’m sorry to say, my devilish good looks.
And it wasn’t my dream.

It was his dreams.

His dreams, seen through a lens that made them seem achievable. All I did was build that lens.

Jon’s program is free, get it by signing up here. You have nothing to lose.