Potpourri Friday: What You Need to Know About Pinterest

Happy Friday! Time for this week's potpourri... 
It seems that Pinterest has quietly developed a new interface, and they have some new features I think you should know about. This blog is for those who knew that they'd done some new things for businesses, etc. but didn't have time to check out the details.

Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Convert your current account to a business account as soon as possible. You will not lose pins or followers. You will need to access your website though so if you are not a "techie" ask your webmaster to help you out. Joining as a business allows you to become verified and there are analytics that you can take advantage of, similar to Google analytics. Go here to find out more about the new Analytics Platform.

Pinterest also now has a new interface. There is an option on your homepage to try out the new look. You can always switch back, so go ahead and give it a try. After switching, when you go to your own page, look to the far left, there is now a blank square that invites you to "Add a pin"

When you click the square, the same dialog box appears that used to show when you  clicked "Upload a pin"

This new wrinkle is the best! When you click on a pin now and the image enlarges, to the right of the pin is a smaller version of the actual BOARD where that pin lives. Very convenient if you'd like to peruse.

Finally, even MORE options exist for the user now when you click on a pin. Directly underneath the pin is an area that shows you RELATED pins by re-pinners of that pin.

Have good weekends! --ct