Postnatal Depression; A Survivor Speaks out

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum


I finally showed (PND)Postnatal Depression that this lady wont take things lying down. I had horrendous PND after the birth of my son , coupled with depression over the loss of my daughter, amongst other things. I’ve had a hell of a struggle especially over the past 8 months since PND took over my life. 

I remember finally accepting help, getting put onto se dreaded anti depressants and thinking about how I would always be dependant on them , how I would need them forever, so I could be a good mum, to enable me to function. It was a terrible thought.

ver time I got used to taking them, felt better, so much better. I then had such a busy , hectic week one week that I totally forgot to take them. My body filled with fear, I immediately told my partner and he said okay well take one now and phone the doctors.

The doctor asked me whether I had felt any change in moods and I told her truthfully No. I said I had been coping just as well as I had when taking the tablets. She then she asked me if I would like to try being weaned off them. I discussed it with my partner and we agreed its worth a shot. So we did .

I started off taking one tablet every 2 days and then every 3 days. And now I am no longer on them at all. I am still doing well, I am going places with my son, smiling, laughing, feeling everything, its great. I am not struggling with anger or anything really. I feel so liberated to know that something which had such a control over my life is now firmly under my control.

The health visitor couldn’t believe it when I told her, she came and did a visit to the house and said she couldn’t believe the change in me.

This post is just to show everyone who has PND, or thinks they might have it who might be too scared to pop to the doctors that you can do it. Honestly, in my darkest place I wanted to end my life, I thought the world was better without me. But I am so glad I didn’t. You are all brave , amazing women and you will get through it! . If your struggling, please don’t struggle alone.