Postbokx – What Is It and What’s In It For You?

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Are you looking for a way to make more money blogging or a new way to promote your own brand? Then Postbokx may be for you. It is now available and fully functional to all who want to sign up today. It is FREE to join. It reminds me a little of Triberr’s campaigns.  (It also reminds me a little of Post Joint BUT with Postbokx YOU write the posts – not someone else.) This new website for brands and influencers is located out of London, England.

How Does Postbokx Work?

You can sign up for FREE today. Once you sign up you can connect your social networks. I choose Facebook and Twitter as well as my blog. You should include at least 2 of your networks. It is helpful as you can offer multi packages to brands that you may want to accept.  Brands send out briefs to influencers they choose based on your profile and their needs. If you blog about topics that are relevant to their brand they may accept your offer. You can price them as you choose. This post is an example of one I am doing for Postbokx. It is relevant to the topics here at Inspire to Thrive. I choose the topics of marketing and social media.

There were other briefs from brands offered to me but they were not relevant and we know how Google feels about those. Besides I don’t think you would want to read some unrelated and possibly boring topics, right? Content is of the utmost importance here. Who wants to write something once for a few bucks and lose all their readers? It surely is NOT worth it.

How Do You Get Paid on Briefs or Pay to Promote Your Brand?

Payouts happen once you publish the post and share on the social networks. You must have Paypal account to get paid and to pay influencers if you are promoting your brand.

How Does Postbokx Make Money?

Postbokx earns fees for creating, hosting, maintaining, and providing the Site, and for all Services delivered by Postbokx. They add a 7.9% fee on to each Social Influencers’ set rate.

Postbokx does NOT charge Influencers any fees (the 7.9% is payable by the client). Influencers pay the small fees associated with PayPal transfers (roughly 2%) but nothing is taken by Postbokx. 

That’s something I always like to know about a company I do business with, how do they make their money? Are they any hidden fees? Always check the fine print first. 

You can read more on their terms and conditions here.

Check out my latest Slideshare below for more information on this new site for both influencers and brands.

Postbokx and What It Can Do For You from Lisa Buben

Will you be using Postbokx in the near future? 

*This post is based on my own experience using Postbokx and I am being compensated by Postbokx briefs.