Postac’ Music

By Angel Russell @sergeantsparrow

Postac’ is a solo electronic project out of Buffalo NY started by Ezell Jordan in 2013. He started in the punk world and his path led him through some experimentation of new genre’s and finally electronic. His music is space, quiet and ethereal. It creates sweeping imagery in the mind and leaves the listener to impart their own colors on the musical canvas. The songs draw on a few different types of electronic music and all songs are cinematic in nature. If you close your eyes your transported to a dream like state full of mystery and intrigue. His style is never repetitive, and always interesting. Each track brings a new interpretation of his sweeping imagination and leaves you hungry for more. His first album release, “A Reason” (2013), was influenced by the sci-fi book, Clone by With his second release he expanded that idea and with Finding My Home (2014), he produced a  higher quality of work that infused more pop like beats while keeping with his cinematic approach.