Post-it Note Diaries. (Best. Book Trailer. Ever.)

By Fcarletti

I sat motionless for a full minute after watching this book trailer for Post-it Note Diaries. (I’m talking literally here.)

Other than the fact that the trailer’s really well done, three points sold me:

  • There are some real storytelling heavyweights in this one. It features some my favourite contributors to This American Life, like David Rakoff, Jonathan Goldstein, and Starlee Kine — people who really know how to spin the true tales of everyday life into magic. (Side note: If you don’t already listen to This American Life, please stop reading this and just, aaaah, just go listen.)
  • Graphic novels are such delightfully speedy reads. Most recently I devoured Paying For It, Chester Brown’s provocative comic book memoir about paying for sex. In a world of ‘not enough time’ excuses, there’s just something intensely satisfying about getting cover to cover in one sitting. (Especially since the bookmarks are glaring at me from the halfway point in so many other texts.)
  • I, too, have a sticky note addiction (or Post-it notes, if we must). I find excuses to draw and write on them. I’ve used them to make calendars. I even watch random youtube videos about them. (Careful with that last link. It’s a wormhole into the surprisingly expansive universe of sticky note art videos).

Maybe after I read it, I’ll review it for you in black and yellow, black and yellow, black and yellow. But, for now, I’m committing to this one with photo evidence: