Portrait of the Week – Betty Lindley

By Mmeguillotine @MmeGuillotine

Betty Lindley, Bassano Studio, 1914, National Portrait Gallery. Crappy camera phone photo: Melanie Clegg

I bought this print from the National Portrait Gallery a few weeks ago and it’s been living on the dresser in my dining room ever since. Isn’t she ace?

Apparently the photograph is of an actress called Betty Lindley, but I don’t actually know anything more about her than this, which is fine as I think the image speaks volumes about the sort of lady she was. In other words she was clearly my sort of gal.

Betty Lindley, Bassano Studio, 1914, National Portrait Gallery. Crappy camera phone photo: Melanie Clegg

It’s been one HELL of a week and I think this photograph MORE than adequately expresses my extreme and utterly HEARTFELT relief to have made it through to Friday in more or less one piece.

Happy weekend, chums!


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