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Portland Arch Cemetery: Fountain, Indiana
Portland Arch Cemetery, Portland Cemetery, Bear Cemetery–whatever you call it, this Fountain, Indiana cemetery is very old and rather large.
And, it’s another one with multiple names. Ah, small Indiana town life!
Fountain, Indiana: Portland Arch Cemetery
little Indiana and family enjoyed tromping through this old Indiana cemetery. It was so spacious and very, very old. I could tell that even without seeing the massive tree trunk with many, many rings when we first walked in.
But the neatest part about this one were the unique arrangements of the headstones! So many were propped up against trees–and each other!
In fact, we even found a few headstones in a prickly briar patch. Now that’s unusual.
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Portland Arch Cemetery/Bear Cemetery: Fountain, Indiana
If you like walking through old cemeteries, you’ll like this Fountain County cemetery fo’ sure!
The headstones are lovely, the dates are old, and it’s so peaceful. There’s nothing else around it. Need to get in the Halloween spirit? Head to the Hoosier Horror Blog Hop for heaps more haunting fun!
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Portland Arch Cemetery, Portland Cemetery, Bear Cemetery in Fountain, Indiana
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