PopNod StyleMakers With A Cause

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
Style Wonk // A Parent In Silver Spring // Naturally Glam // Alicia Tenise // Clover Riot // It's Julien // Napturally Nicole // Primp and Proper // The Together Traveller // tanvii.com (me!)
How many of us wish we could make a difference in this world but often leave it at that thought. Sometimes we don't know how to, and sometimes we don't know where. That's where PopNod comes in. They have made "giving" as easy as click-and-buy. 
Once you sign up for PopNod, you are able to discover hundreds of items from your favorite stores. When you made a purchase, they donate a portion of your money to your chosen charity. This month, they are collaborating with DC's top bloggers to spread awareness about their chosen charities.   
The charity of my choice: COEXIST
"Coexist was created to address the crisis of understanding that tears at the social fabric of societies around the world. Globalization has outpaced our understanding of one another, creating divisions that plague communities with prejudice, hate and violence. 
These divides create instability that affects every facet of life, reducing global economic output, health, education, and progress in arts and science. In our interconnected world, a lack of social cohesion generates shock waves that damage not only the immediate region, but produce real consequences for the economy and job opportunities in communities on the other side of the world."
Understanding Changes Everything 
Coexist is on a mission to advance social cohesion through education and innovation. Coexist works at the fault lines of conflicting cultural identities to to strengthen the bond that holds a society together through a sustainable model of people working and learning together. This generates social cohesion that reduces prejudice, hate and violence and prevents conflict from emerging again.
How can you help?
You don't have to be in the DC area to participate. Everything is online now. Gone are the days of mall-shopping (almost!). 
The process is as easy as 1-2-3 
  1. Join PopNod
  2. Hit "Support This Campaign" on my profile
  3. Shop to make an impact!