Pope Francis’s Vatican Put on a Pagan Light Show on the Feast Day of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Last Tuesday, December 8, 2015, was the feast day of the Immaculate Conception, a holy day of obligation when Catholics attend Mass in honor and remembrance of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ our Lord, being conceived without Original Sin. (See “The Woman Conceived Without Sin“)

This was how Pope Francis (real name Jorge Bergoglio) and the Vatican chose as a public spectacle at St. Peter’s Square for the feast day of the Immaculate Conception — an hour-long “climate change” light show, backed by the World Bank that funds abortions in developing countries, and sponsored by organizations named after Greek and Roman pagan gods, such as Seattle-based Vulcan Inc. (named after the Roman god Vulcan, the deity of destructive fire), which push the climate change agenda.

In the light show, gigantic images of wild life, overcrowded city centers, depictions of pollution, and negative portrayals of industrialization were projected onto the façade of St. Peter’s Basilica, to underscore the “green” environmental creds of Bergoglio, who has endorsed, lock stock and barrel, the Left’s man-made global warming/climate change myth. (See “Pope Francis calls for a new global authority to combat ‘climate change’“)

Below is a sample of the light-show images projected onto St. Peter’s Basilica (Source: Telegraph; h/t FOTM‘s josephbc69).

If those light-show images look familiar to you, that’s because you’ve seen them before.

On the night of August 1, 2015, the Empire State Building in New York City was lit up with projections of 160 gigantic images of endangered animals by an artist named Android Jones, to promote a new documentary, Racing Extinction. At the end of the light show, Jones projected the faces of the Hindu goddess Kali.

Jones said he used Kali’s image to provide a “fierce new avatar” in the fight against pollution, extinction, and the harm that Earth is enduring today — which is most curious because this is how Wikipedia describes Kālī (which means “the black one” or “beyond time”):

[Although] recent devotional movements re-imagine Kāli as a benevolent mother goddess . . . The figure of Kāli conveys death, destruction, and the consuming aspects of reality. As such, she is also a “forbidden thing”, or even death itself.

Kali being the Hindu goddess of death would explain why she is typically portrayed wearing a necklace of skulls and a belt-skirt of bloody severed arms and hands, holding a blood-stained sword in one hand and a severed head in another, while standing triumphant on the body of her husband, the Hindu god Shiva.

Kali by Raja Ravi Varma

Android Jones — who extols a demon goddess of death — is the same artist who was commissioned by Pope Francis’ Vatican to do the light show at St. Peter’s Square on the feast day of the Immaculate Conception of the mother of Jesus, whose incarnation and birth brought hope, light, salvation and the promise of eternal life to humankind.

Catholic leaders have spoken out about the Vatican’s light show (LifeSiteNews):

  • Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute said, “I am sorry that the facade of St. Peter’s has been turned into a propaganda stage for the scientific fraud known as ‘Catastrophic Man-Caused Global Warming’. I am sick at the thought that this most sacred space — St. Peter’s Basilica — will be the backdrop for the further dissemination of this fraud, whose ultimate goal is to impose a ‘Carbon Tax’ on the developed countries. This tax will not only cripple global economic growth and undermine democracy, its proceeds will be used to fund even more population control programs in the developing world.”
  • Voice of the Family co-founder John Smeaton said that contrary to popular perception, the “environmental agenda” is tied to an anti-human agenda. “The environmental movement commonly regards population growth as a threat. Developing nations are being flooded with contraceptives and subjected to pressure to legalise abortion. Given that contraception and environmentalism so often go hand-in-hand, it is deeply troubling that current Vatican authorities have so strongly endorsed the environmental agenda without taking an equally strong stance on the abortion and contraception agenda which lies behind it. If the Vatican issued similarly strong and high-profile calls to world governments to end abortion, many lives could be saved. The St. Peter’s light show is a clear demonstration of the tragic truth that this papacy has the wrong priorities.”

But the Vatican’s spokesperson for the light show, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, the president of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, insists that “These illuminations will present images inspired of Mercy, of humanity, of the natural world, and of climate changes.” Fisichella said that the light show on the Vatican is meant to link Pope Francis’ environment encyclical Laudato si’ with the United Nations Climate Change Conference (Cop21) that just concluded in Paris. Having the show conclude the opening Year of Mercy celebrations also links the pope’s message about “mercy” to fighting “climate change.”

This is the same Archbishop Fisichella who, on December 4, 2015, told journalists that Canon Law 1370, which imposes automatic excommunication for “physical violence” against the pope, can also be deployed for verbal violence. He said:

“I would say that we need to understand well ‘physical violence,’ because sometimes words, too, are rocks and stones, and therefore I believe some of these sins, too, are far more widespread than we might think.”

In other words, whereas priests who openly advocate homosexuality and “gay” marriage are not excommunicated, if a Catholic criticizes Pope Francis and the criticism is construed as “verbal violence,” not only has the critic committed a sin, the sin is of such egregiousness that the individual could be automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church.

If you are Catholic, please consider signing these petitions:

  1. “Petition to the Cardinals of the Roman Church regarding the grave improprieties of Pope Francis,” asking the Church’s College of Cardinals to investigate whether Bergoglio had been unlawfully elected pope, and if so, to remove him from the seat of St. Peter. Click here.
  2. Petition asking Pope Francis to resign. Click here.
