Pop Culture League Second Challenge: Olympic Medal Winner

Posted on the 23 August 2016 by Hmcurator

I will post about Terrificon soon, but first I must answer the second blogging challenge from the Pop Culture League! The challenge is “If _____ was an Olympic sport, I’d have a gold medal around my neck: What’s something you are really, really good at doing?” Brian did not specify that it had to be an actual Olympic event, nor did he say it had to be something good, something you want to be good at. With that in mind, I would have to say that I am gold medal worthy at worrying. Fretting, fussing, catastrophizing, I do them daily, and so am well practiced.

In the context of this website, I worry about things that are out of my control, such as visitor traffic, uptime, spam, hacking and blacklisting. More in my control are worries such as finding time to post and to take pictures, posting frequency and what to post to try to attract the most interest.

As of the time of writing this post, there have been three other responses to the challenge. Please take a moment to go read them:

The Rebel Page: Pop Culture League Challenge: Olympic Medal Winner

Diary of a Dorkette: Hey, I could be in the Olympics!

TOY BREAK!: If Never Finishing What You Started Was An Olympic Sport, I’d Have A Gold Medal Around My Neck