Poor Quality of Life in Men Leads to Heart Attacks

Posted on the 26 March 2014 by Health_news

Sedentary lifestyle is something that causes men to put on weight and directly increases heart risks. What is a sedentary lifestyle? It is a type of lifestyle most men lead that causes them to put on weight and become lethargic. There are two ways to look at it. Sedentary lifestyle causes problems like cholesterol and high blood pressure. On the other hand even these conditions cause a sedentary lifestyle. It is very difficult to determine the origin of the problem. People who lead a poor quality lifestyle spend a lot of time sitting and working on computer or watching television. They also eat unhealthy and junk food.

How does a sedentary lifestyle increase heart risk?

Lack of exercise directly causes a person to put on weight. It even causes cholesterol to collect in the blood vessels. People with high cholesterol and irregular blood pressure levels have an increased risk of a heart attack. Obesity is the biggest problem faced by people who lead sedentary lifestyle. Obesity other than causing heart risks also damages kidney and liver functions. Lack of physical activity in a person leads to grave disorders. They do not sleep well, they have low concentration levels, and they often are confused and also lack general interest in life. A person who has a healthy mind will have a routing for their daily life. For people with poor lifestyle they do not look forward for their day.

What causes a sedentary lifestyle?

People who suffer from this condition also have gone through depression and anxiety. These underlying conditions may make the person lazy and lack interest in their daily activities. Some habits like excessive alcoholism also causes this condition. Alcohol causes depression even in people with healthy minds.  These may be some of the reasons for a person to lead a lethargic life. Also such people do not move around the house. It is not necessary for a person to exercise every day however it is important to lead an active lifestyle.  Most people who do not exercise are still active and have a daily routine. However people with a lethargic lifestyle will lack routine in their life. Some health conditions like cancer and heart diseases can make a person lazy.

What is the cure for such people?

People who have a poor lifestyle should start exercising. They can start small and slowly increase the time of exercising every day. Exercising early morning helps to cure conditions like depression. Sunlight is good for people who are inactive. It cures the mind and body. Sunlight is also good for people with heart diseases. Such people also need the doctor’s guidance to cure underlying conditions and treat them for their weight issues.


Heart diseases can easily be prevented by making the right lifestyle choices. Alcoholism and smoking make the heart disease worse. A person with a sedentary lifestyle needs to adapt a healthy diet and exercise regime in order to beat the condition. They can do it themselves or with the help of the doctor.