Pompeo Said We Had to Recognize Taiwan as a Flare of the Ukrainian War; China Reacts

Posted on the 05 March 2022 by Geetikamalik

These changes are driven by POMPEO will increase more than four decades of “strategic ambiguity” in Taiwan, a policy intended to minimize the risk of direct conflict with China.


“It is very important to change the ambiguity of 50 years,” Pompeo said, the top diplomat in the Trump government visiting Taipei in an unofficial capacity on the invitation of think tanks.

“While the US must continue to be involved with the People’s Republic of China as a sovereign government, American diplomatic recognition of 23 million Taiwanese who loved their elected freedom and the government who was democratically elected could no longer be ignored and avoided,” he said in Friday’s speech, referring to the official name of the government in Beijing.

Changes driven by POMPEO will improve more than four decades of “Strategic Ambiguity” in Taiwan, a policy intended to minimize the risk of direct conflict with China, which claims the island is ruled separately as part of its territory even though it has never controlled it.

Pompeo’s call comes at a very sensitive time, because Taiwan’s status has attracted comparisons for Russian invasion to Ukraine. Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen has understated worries that the war in Europe could trigger a similar crisis in Asia, said the two situations were “fundamentally different.”

Since forming diplomatic relations with the Beijing communist government in 1979, M.S. has maintained informal relationships, “people-to-people” with Taiwan while avoiding taking a position in the island’s sovereignty. Every shift in A.S. Maybe it will encourage an angry response from Beijing.

The Chinese Ambassador in Washington, Qin Gang, warned in January that his country and the US would likely be involved in military conflict if the Taiwanese government moved to formalize its independence.

Running nonsense ‘

The spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry Wang Wenbin attacked Pompeo on Friday, called him “a former politician whose credibility has long been bankrupt.”

“Someone’s nonsense like that won’t work,” he added.

On Saturday, Premier Chinese Li Keqiang said while providing the government’s annual work report at the beginning of the National People’s Congress that Beijing would “remain committed to the main principles and policies about the work associated with Taiwan.”

Pompeo’s trip overlapped with one former chairman of Staff Michael Mullen’s head that Washington intended as a signal of support amid Russian invasion to Ukraine, who had the same security concerns with Taiwan. Both Pompeo and Mullen met President Tsai Ing – Wen, who had angered Beijing by pushing his claim to sovereignty over the island.

It has encouraged China to increase military, diplomatic and economic pressure in Taiwan, especially by sending military aircraft to the island. Paplanes People’s Liberation Army made several 960 before going to the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone in 2021, more than doubled the previous year.

Protest POMPEO.

A small number of demonstrators from the united parties gathered at the hotel in the center of Taipei where Pompeo made his statement. He said in his speech that the right to show was one of the things that made Taiwan’s special democracy and joking that they “made me feel like I was at home.”

A loyal critics of the ruling Communist Party in China, POMPEO is the former Diplom Top President Donald Trump from 2018 to 2021, a period that includes a visit to Taipei by two cabinet level officials, the most senior American delegation since the US official bond to Beijing.

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