I remember my grandma treating dysentery or diarrhoea with a home made remedy- A glass of pome juice. This prevents from dehydration still.
Pomegranate being a seasonal fruit; has plenty of benefits in it. has abundant of antioxidants, folic acid, vitamin A,C and E, reduces the risk of cancer, good for skin and hair health is the added beauty advantage.
On the other hand Carrot-an annual vegetable, is packed with beta-carotene, vitamins and potassium, highly anti-cancerous. When comes to skin care, there is a vital place for these carrots
Cooking time NilIngredients
1 cup Pomegranate (Peeled) 1 cup Carrot (Chopped) 1 cup Milk (optional)1 cup Water(if milk added, omit water)
Procedure1. In a blender put the peeled pome fruit and extract juice.I added half the cup of milk. Strain the juice.2. Again exact carrot juice separately adding the remaining milk. If not needed adding milk can be omitted. Strain it.3. Mix the two juices extracted separately. Now its the time for you to serve. Note:- Adding of milk is optional, but adding gives enhanced taste.
- When milk is avoided, use water as the substitute.
- Kids love the taste with milk.
- I avoid adding sugar, if needed honey can be added.