Polls Show Strong Support for Nazis Among Americans

Posted on the 20 November 2014 by Calvinthedog


Detailed results here.

Background: There is a war in the Ukraine. The Nazi government of the Ukraine has invaded Eastern Ukraine, where partisan bands began forming in opposition to the Nazis. The partisans at one point voted to secede from the Ukraine because they did not want to be part of a Nazi state. Consequently the Nazis invaded Eastern Ukraine to put destroy the partisan bands and restore Nazi rule.

The Nazis have been waging genocide against the partisans and their supporters, shelling their neighborhoods and trying to force them off their land in an ethnic cleansing project. The objective is to drive all of the partisans off their land in the East, annex the East as a Lebensraum for the Nazis and then settle the East with Nazi civilians from Western Ukraine. This has already happened in Slovyansk, where most of the partisan supporters have fled and the Nazis have settled Nazi civilians from Western Ukraine into the partisans’ apartments.

Half of the East has now been liberated from Nazi rule by the partisans, who are called the Anti-Fascist Resistance (AFR). The other half is still under Nazi rule.

The Nazis are ruling as hostile occupiers of a restive citizenry. Nazis kidnap AFR supporters off the streets and put them in prisons where they are badly beaten. The Nazis have engaged in mass rapes of teenage girls who are seen as part of the AFR support base. Many have been raped by the Nazis. In many cases, the gang rapes were so violent that these girls have damage to their internal organs. Nazis steal people’s cars all the time, walk into stores and take whatever they want, shoot people on the streets and just in general are hostile occupiers. All of this, including the mass violent rapes of teenage girls, is occurring with the full support of the United States.

Obviously the partisan supporters do not wish to live under Nazi occupation.

The entire West has supported the genocidal Nazi campaign. The only nation helping the partisans resist the Nazis is Russia. Just like in WW2, once again Russia is fighting Nazi invaders from the west. For the crime of helping the anti-Nazi resistance, the West has imposed devastating sanctions on Russia and has repeatedly threatened them with war. The West has sent advisors and supplies to assist the Nazi conquest. The US in particular has sent many military advisors who are working closely with the Nazis to help them plan attacks.

A ceasefire was negotiated between the Nazis and the AFR forces. The Russians were not a party to the conflict so they had nothing to do with the ceasefire.

Poll: Nevertheless, the lying CNN poll asked Americans if the Russians could be counted on to uphold their end of the ceasefire. However, the Russians have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the ceasefire. The AFR decides if they will attack or fight back against Nazi ceasefire violations, which have been continuous.

The Russians have nothing to do with that whatsoever as the AFR do not take orders from the Russians. The Western media lies and says that the AFR takes orders from the Russians but that is nonsense. The AFR does whatever the Hell it wants to and doesn’t care what Russia thinks. However, if the AFR wanted to launch an offensive, for example, they would have to get Russian approval because Russia supplies the partisans with money, supplies and weaponry. So if the AFR launched an offensive without Russian support, it would soon run out of steam. Understand?

So the Russians had nothing to do with “holding up their end of the ceasefire.” The question itself is a lie. The Russians are not a party to the conflict,. They are not a belligerent. They were not a part of the ceasefire. So there is no ceasefire for them to uphold. However, the answers showed that Americans strongly support the Nazis and are strongly opposed to the anti-Nazi partisans. So the Americans are rooting for the Nazis in this war.

The second question asked whether Americans supported sanctions on Russia. The West has opposed devastating sanctions on Russia for supplying the anti-fascist partisans. The poll showed that Americans strongly support punishing Russia for their support for the antifas. That means that Americans support the Nazis again on this question.

67-73% of Americans support the Nazis in this conflict, while only 23-29% support the anti-Nazi partisans.

Nazi support among Americans is strong across the board, but Whites support the Nazis much more than non-Whites. The youngest people showed the lowest level of support for Nazis, while pro-Nazi sentiment gradually increased in the older age brackets. Nazi support was highest among the elderly. Wealthier Americans were much more pro-Nazi than lower income Americans.

There was no significant difference in Nazi support by region in the US as support was high across the board. Support was also high across the board among Republicans, Democrats and independents and among conservatives, liberals and moderates. Republicans were somewhat more pro-Nazi than Democrats, but incredibly, liberals were significantly more pro-Nazi than conservatives. The important point here is that pro-Nazi sentiment in the US is strong across the political spectrum from right to left.

It is extremely depressing that we have become such a pro-Nazi country. Apparently our memories are short. Didn’t we fight a war against these guys?