Political Prisoner Oso Blanco Needs Your Support

Posted on the 05 December 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

from Through the Walls

Byron Chubbuck aka Oso Blanco

Byron Chubbuck aka Oso Blanco

Byron Chubbuck (aka Oso Blanco) called a close friend and supporter last night (not me) very upset and asking for help. He said a staff person was checking their cell for “extra clothing” and grabbed a sheet of paper laying (out in the open!) of a simple drawing Oso did. He has been trying to establish where various Cherokee memorials/battlefields/landmarks/burial mounds are in relation to his current location – Lee USP. The drawing is of a fenced in burial mound he thought he saw upon his arrival.

Oso and his cellmate were thrown into the “secure housing unit” (SHU) (solitary confinement) for possessing an “escape tool”. Oso says it’s an insane charge.

Oso  is worried that any day now a DHO (disciplinary judge) will come and rule with bias on this bogus “escape tool” charge.  Oso has been in the Special Management Unit (SMU), an extremely restrictive program, for years and was just recently released to USP Lee, a much more agreeable situation as far as prisons go. He is worried they will place him back in the SMU program.

Please take a second to call or email on behalf of Byron Chubbuck #07909051:Phone:  276-546-0150 Fax:  276-546-9115

Please be polite and just let them know you are concerned about Byron Chubbuck #07909051, and that you think he may be in SHU over a drawing that if looked at, has nothing to do with any escape plans or any conspiracy with any cell mate. No need to mention SMU, case history, or politics in my opinion.

Since we don’t know the name of the officers/staff involved just ask to speak with someone concerning him or ask to speak to the warden.

Another way to show support and let the prison know we are watching them is to send Oso a letter or postcard so the prison sees support that way too. Also to let Oso know he’s in your thoughts and he is not alone in there.

Byron Chubbuck #07909051
P.O. BOX 305