Political Islamic Violence in London

Posted on the 25 May 2013 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Mike L.
VIDEO – The murder of a British soldier by Islamic extremists in southeast London this week continues to generate shocking footage: The Daily Mirror website on Friday posted a video showing how police gained control of the two suspects, minutes after they beheaded Drummer Lee Rigby.

According to the Daily Mirror, the two lured police to the scene by dragging the body of the murdered fusilier into the middle of the road. When they saw the first police car arrive, the pair split up. One of them, seen in a different video wielding a bloodstained blade, run at officers head-on while his accomplice advanced alongside, aiming his gun at them.
There may come a time when the western governments decide to oppose the radical Jihad.
At some point they may come to that conclusion.
In the mean time, the citizenry of Britain and France and Germany and Israel and the United States and Australia and the rest of the western countries will continue to accept religious violence against their own people because they are weak and they are stupid.
If these countries refuse to defend themselves then they refuse to defense themselves.
And whose fault is that?