Poles Apart Yet Closer To The Heart…Do Opposites Really Attract ?

By Macrogers

The much comprehended expression “Opposites Attract” is an age old concept, but yet it has been questioned umpteen times till date. There are incalculable fluctuating beliefs and views regarding this phrase, but from a writer’s perspective, I personally believe “opposites do attract” when it comes to love or any other relationship for that matter. According to me, the eagerness and interest towards your beloved in a relationship comes mostly from the differences between both of you and surprisingly that is how you tend to get attracted to your partner, with a quest for unique freshness in the romance. The emotions shown in friendship can also be considered as another very good example for this belief as friends, though might seek emotional support from each other, but dependability and closeness is directed towards the one who thinks, reacts, and acts in a totally dissimilar manner. The simple reason being what qualities you posses are blended perfectly when the other person reverts back with a total different point of view and thinking process.

Wide researches assume that the people with similar habits, views, and beliefs can end up been in a monotonous relationship, which diminishes the spontaneous spark and intense romance between them. We opt for or get naturally close to those individuals mainly because we look for those specific character traits, qualities or strengths that are missing in our personality and are present in our partner.

Psychologically, it is believed you are most likely to fall for someone who is physically, emotionally or dramatically apart from you. It is like a little friction which is actually pushing both of you to go ahead for some self exploration. You might indeed discover new facts or preferences about yourself, which you had never thought of or tried even once. 90% of people go by the phrase “Opposites attract” but the rest 10% still have an illusion that too many dissimilarities might turn up into arguments and a non- compatible relationship. Since, the term relationship has a wider aspect; there have been conflicting viewpoints and attitude among people about it, while I conclude perfect is not when two people are together, it’s when you are both opposite, but in that way you complete each other.