Poles and Holes Redux

Posted on the 12 March 2018 by Calvinthedog


RL: “A hole only works with a pole, otherwise it’s like a hole in the ground, just sitting there being useless with nothing to fill it up waiting for you to trip over it.”

Is this how you view women??

As a woman though I feel this way a lot I don’t know if it’s a confidence thing or a society thing. Robert what do you think…?

Actually, I don’t view women that way. I don’t consider a vagina with no penis to put in it to be a useless object. On the other hand though, for gay men…

Believe it or not, I actually wrote that about gay male sexuality. Obviously a society of gay male bottoms ain’t going to work out very well. I doubt if there’s going to be much sex going on.

“A hole needs a pole, and a pole needs a hole” is actually a pretty good way of viewing heterosexual sexuality, especially from the point of view of the poles (the men). Men will literally fuck anything, and I do mean anything. This is the dirty little secret about men. It’s why straight men have sex with men, why men who have no interest in kids screw little girls, why men who have no interest in animals screw animals, etc. A lot of younger women can’t seem to figure this out, but most older women get it. If as a woman, you learn one thing about men in your life, it should be this at least: men will literally fuck anything. Until you understand that, you will never figure us out.

As far as a hole needs a pole, hmmm, a lot of women do like to get fucked though for whatever reason. There’s something special about that act even though it often doesn’t lead to orgasm (only 20-25% of women regularly orgasm from intercourse). Not being a woman and never being fucked, I don’t know what that is.

I am not sure what your statement means. Do you mean that you feel useless without a man?

Tell you what. I have talked to women of all ages all over the world for some time now and some of my best friends have been women (I mean we text back and forth all day long for months), and I keep running into this: the most important thing in any woman’s life is to get a man, to have a man in her life.

For many women, literally their entire lives revolve around getting a man, their relationships with men, etc. Some of these women had very bad experiences with men, and I wondered why getting a man or having a man was so damned important to them, but it was. I actually started thinking  that maybe this was some deeply ingrained thing in human females: the need to have a man. I asked the smartest woman on Earth (my Mom) about it, and she agreed with me that for many women, one of the most important aspects of their lives revolves around getting or having a man.  We talked a bit about why this is, but we couldn’t come up with an answer.

I doubt if it is confidence thing.

Like that hole in the ground is rather useless and even a hazard with nothing to fill it up, a woman is a bit of a loose wheel without a man or men. There’s something missing. There’s a void there. It’s not so much that you lack confidence to live without a man but more that without a man something basic is missing in your existence and you feel an empitness (recall the previous metaphor) and you need something to “fill the hole” in your life.

Relax. You’re normal!