Polar Bears Aren’t Really White…

By Akklemm @AnakaliaKlemm

…And other fun facts you learn with your two year old while reading Magic Tree House…

So onward with The Magic Tree House Adventures.  We read Ghost Town at Sundown and Lions at Lunch Time. With Lions, we read LIONS by Kathy Darling and enjoyed all the many photographs taken by Tara Darling-Lyon. Kiddo also got to watch The Lion King for the first time this week and we practiced drawing the letter L and colored a giant lion head into her notebook.

Then, we moved onto Polar Bears Past Bedtime and the research guide on Polar Bears and the Arctic.  I usually include pictures of all these fabulous homeschooling moments, but kiddo broke my camera right after Comicpalooza.  So, my images are second hand…

Kiddo really loves looking at the pictures of all the animals.  From identifying the baby bears to asking me what “those things are on him” hanging off the lion (his testicles), we’ve had a full two weeks learning about different kinds of predators and their environment.  She finds Africa vs. the Arctic fascinating and is now able to identify the two places on the map.

Yay for little tiny humans being enormous sponges for knowledge!