Poland’s Government: New Faces, Same Policies?

By Stizzard
Tusk’s new team

“THERE wasn’t a single year when I did not think about leaving the post,” said Jacek Rostowski, who has run Poland’s economy since 2007, in a recent interview. On November 20th Mr Rostowski left at last—though not on his own initiative. He was the most senior minister to be sacked when Donald Tusk, the prime minister, shuffled his government. (The clear-out also included the environment, sports, science and higher education and administration ministers.)A former academic who owes his cut-glass English accent to an upbringing in London, Mr Rostowski is largely credited with steering the economy through the financial crisis without a recession. But the good times did not last: Poland’s once-stellar economic growth has slowed to a sluggish pace and Mr Rostowski has seemed able to come up with only short-term fixes. The public has become angry at the government’s austerity and Mr Rostowski’s plans to transfer assets from private pension funds onto the state’s balance-sheet to bolster government finances. Eventually, Mr Tusk went for the kill.Mr Rostowski makes way for Mateusz Szczurek, an economist at ING, a Dutch bank. The…

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