POEM: The Pleasures of Being Rained In

By Berniegourley @berniegourley

rainy season spatters onto big leaves —

like banana leaves

playing the jungle like a white noise orchestra

close your eyes and the wall of sound

drags over your senses

smearing tactile and olfactory experience

into the bombardment

yet the sameness of sounds offers no hold

and so that rain-on-leaf spatter dance

lulls one into a ragged, tattered trance

whether it brings euphoria or dark fears

or jagged agony or inexplicable tears

one can’t know without surrender

energy spills down my back

a liquid, electric energy

the subtle tug can be felt against tiny hairs

if your mind can move at the pace of that subtle tug

and not be sprung like a panther’s lunge

you can find your surrender

By B Gourley in poem, Poetry on April 6, 2018.