POEM: Random Fragments

By Berniegourley @berniegourley

Blue dye
catches the eye.
The flapping curtain
becomes an ocean
of possibility.

Mask of plunder
star of stage and scream,
he steals hearts and minds,
and pries about the perfect lines–
making them angles

-angles jaunty and inverted


into a soul that vaguely
desires perfection

A stentorian voice is all it takes
to make her weep, to make her quake.
She’s the victim of an illicit past–
illicit as was made her caste

locomotives chug through eternity
steam spurting from their boilers
no one knows where they came from
only when they came from

Hooked claws dent packed earth.
It lumbers, rotund, but quick of eye.
Slinking like a lizard.
Its belly scales grind the ground

Hooray! The stores are in the black
by putting you in the red.
Congratulations on clearing the rack.
Enjoy your water and bread!

Saris, pink and orange,
their tiny mirrors
turn disco ball and
light plays and dances
on benighted walls
in pentagons of illumination

A million colors
to honor the million faces of god.
A god known so well that people
visualize its face twisted into
a million permutations.

They know him when he’s happy.
They know her when she’s sad.
They know it stern.
They know it wrathful.

reflecting the infinity of humanity.

By B Gourley in poem, Poetry on December 13, 2013.