POEM: Dancing Shadows

By Berniegourley @berniegourley

I found a world in an old book
so darkly like my own.
But built on sands I'd never seen,
their marbled grains were blown
across the land and through the door
to an abandoned house
where lived not one single soul -
nor dog, nor cat, nor mouse.

Just a flock of lively shadows
that danced on floor and wall,
in a dread silent cotillion -
a shadow monster's ball.
And though I was not invited,
my shade was welcomed in.
I was, to my own shadow, a
second-rate citizen.

But I am just a cruel slaver;
for when it'd broken free,
my shadow moved with such swift grace
as in 't I'd never seen.
And standing like a stone statue,
I watched these twirling forms,
and wondered whether they'd blown in
upon the desert storms?

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